Part 4

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"Of course, I can save you the trouble of trying and failing, to get him back... IF you tell us what's going on under that carpet."

"There is nothing to tell." Declared Six.

"Fair enough. Of course, I can always get me and my amigo to look for ourselves, but I'll need to head home to tell him. You can follow me if you'd like, but I can't guarantee your safety. TWO-dleoo, number friends. Heh, that's a good one, I'll write that down."

The Terrible Two struggled to turn on the helicopter again.

"...Pretend I'm already gone, I'll be gone in a minute."

As the Terrible Two kicked and fussed with the device, Six cried in the arms of her friends.

"Eight... Hexie..."

"Hey, It's okay Six, just let it out..." Ten whispered.

"What do we do now?" Asked One.

"What did we do the last time Eight was captured? Didn't we make more of him?"

"That's right. We could do that, Three! But we don't know how we can make sure the Terrible Twos don't just take them all down again. They must have discovered some way to bring back octonite somehow. That's the only way they stopped him the first time." Ten concluded.

"If they have octonite, they must have enough octonite to capture Eighty as well. And they must have made something that has the same effect on Hexie." Guessed One. "We can't rely on superpowers to free them..."

Dazey had quietly entered and had been silent until now.

"That gives me an idea, but I'm going to need some help."

"Dazey... No, I can't let you do that. If Hexie and your father can't stop them, then how could you?"

"That logic could apply to anyone here. Nobody knows what's going on in that lair, but somebody's gotta help them. The Terrible Twos have something terrible planned, and we've relied on the same two numbers for a long time to deal with them for us. WE have to step up this time, and I think there's a lot that I can do to help with that, but not on my own. Laylee?"


"I need you and Solo to add up, where is Solo? Solo?"

Luckily, Solo wasn't that far away.

"Yeah?" Yelled the young Numberlette.

Dazey picked up Solo gently and kind of tossed him onto Laylee.

"Five point five..."

"Plus one..."


"Six point five!" Another Dazey was now present.

"Why does Dazey need two of himself?" Asked Three. "Kind of self-centered."

"Because," Said one of them.

"I am the only one that knows how to do what I'm about to do." Finished the other.

Without responding, the Dazeys ran back to their household, where Canore was sat worried. After getting Canore to lift them up onto the carpet and into the secret base, they began putting on some of the secret equipment that they had been practicing with on their own for a long time. Dazey had been sneaking into the laboratory and through the security measures (since Hexie told him about how they worked) and had been experimenting with some of the gadgets Eight and Hexie built. Why they needed these gadgets was unknown to him, but to an ordinary numberblock, using the gadgets could turn even the most inactive, sedentary numbers into something pulled straight out of an action-packed cartoon. Grappling guns, laser guns, protective goggles, and robot limbs were all tools beyond the imagination of most numberblocks in terms of usage, but were mere toys Dazey knew like the back of his hand. He and his clone put on two extra robot limbs, among other pieces of a full set of techy equipment, and exited the lab with them.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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