Part 3

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That night, Hexie lay restless. He was tired, physically and emotionally, yet the thoughts in his mind raced with an imaginary noise that kept him awake. Not to mention that a few strong smells and noises were distracting him. Growing impatient and getting sick of scuttling in bed, he decided he might as well give up on sleep that night. He opened the curtains and looked out his window. Dazey was doing some weird stuff outside, though Hexie did not care enough to see whatever he was holding or really why he was outside in the first place. Dazey did spend a lot of time outside at night, after all.

Hexie was still distracted by noises and smells. Particularly, the smell of something warm and sugary, coming from outside. Stretching his limbs, he crawled outside curiously, having no trouble finding the direction from which the smell came from. Had he been more awake he would be reasonably concerned about venturing outside away from the yard, but this Hexie was tired and simply did not care. A minute or two passes and he finds where the strongest, most distracting smell comes from.

He knelt down to the source of the sweet smell, which was just an ordinary, freshly baked doughnut. The only thing that caught his attention was the amount of liquid sugar globbed on it.

"Oh, I'm silly. That's just an awfully fresh doughnut..." Observed Hexie. "Hm. Why is it so fresh? Someone must have placed this here less than ten minutes ago. I probably shouldn't touch this..."

Those would be the last words he uttered before a mysterious, acidy rope gripped him, each loop around him feeling as if claws were digging themselves into him.

"Hexablock, break free!" He uttered instinctively, but he was immediately baffled when his super strength seemed suddenly absent. He saw the face of one of the Terrible Twos as the two began to pull him away, him and his amigo both snickering. Before Hexie said anything else, the other Terrible Two bludgeoned him across the head with a baseball bat repeatedly, the bat having similar properties to the rope. Already exhausted and rendered powerless, Hexie was knocked out without much trouble. The unconscious arthropod was carried off into unknown darkness.

"Six is in the mix...!"

Rapped Six to herself. Loudly and tirelessly, Dazey marched into the room.

"Hey, mum."

"Good morning, Dazey."

"Hey, uh, you remember that old set of toy bricks I was absolutely obsessed with? Like, those small bricks with pegs on top that would click together."

"Oh! That... I actually don't know."

"Yeah It's not in my room. Gambol, I think he needs it to play a game or something."

"I honestly don't remember. Sorry..."

"Ah, shucks, It's alright. Oh, hey Gambol." Paused Dazey as Gambol ran more or less straight into him.

"I can't find Hexie..." Whispered Gambol, tugging Dazey's arm.

"What's that?" Inquired Dazey.

"Hexie's not in his room."

"Oh, he must be out doing something." Dazey peeked out the window but saw no sign of him. "He's not in the yard."

"He said he was gonna spend some time with me today."

"That's odd... Hexie doesn't back out of things like that. I'm gonna look for him."

"I'll come with." Added Canore.

"Mum, we're gonna go find Hexie, we'll be right back."

"Alright!" Six called.

Dazey and Canore stepped outside, not necessarily concerned but a little confused by Hexie's so-called behavior. They called his name throughout the yard, and eventually went for the streets, but no luck.

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