The release

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Few years ago in a different dimension where only one prisoner is guarded in a un-breakable crystal of Rhombulus.

The soldiers of Mewni and snotty Manfred came to the dark castle and one of the soldiers taps on the stone doors. Phew of the guards opens the door letting them in from the stormy snow.

The mewni soldiers and Manfred walked around the dark castle with so many dark armored guards bigger than the Mewni soldiers "Ah if it isn't the Mewni soldiers and the snotty Manfred" the general of the dark castle comes towards them "hello, we have to send a message from the magic high commission for you to double the guards and protection system" Manfred said as he opens a scroll towards the general "double the system?!" the guards and the general laughs as if they heard the stupidest joke in all of dimensions "come let me give you a tour" the general insisted to Manfred

They both walked through the castle passing by the halls filled with guards "we have every guard guarding each section of this one breaks in...or out...if that were to happen, our alarm system can alarm the break in or break out in any place that happens. We also have our best of the best guards around guarding every inch of this castle." the general said as they walked towards an elevator "our prisoner is trapped within the deepest pit of this castle. Nearly impossible for him to escape" the elevator takes them down below.

Once they have arrived, what reveals before them is one single crystal that holds the prisoner within. Manfred noticed a tail sticking out of the crystal "what is the reason for this?" "we just love to mess with this lowlife prisoner, Rhombulus only let a small amount of body so he can feel from it and can do nothing about it" the general said and started to laugh as he went over next to the crystallized prisoner while the have their head staring down with their eyes closed and with their eyebrows forward "aw does the widdle lizard want out?" the general said with teasing a bit until stomping on the prisoner's tail.

The general laughs and leaves with Manfred to the elevator.

When the elevator started to go up, an eye opened up within the area and started to jump from obstacles to obstacles to get to the crystallized prisoner. The visitor reveals themselves as a green Septarian with a gem on his missing eye "sorry it took so long, the dimension was hard to find protection system was difficult to come through without being spotted" he said until taking out a small black box.

He opened the box and what came out is a black misty liquid coming out of the box and moved towards the crystallized prisoner's exposed tail entering the the crystal "it is time to wake" the visitor said.

The prisoner's head jerked up looking straight at the visitor with eyes glowing green. The crystal started to turn all black, then it started to forcefully crack and got completely destroyed revealing a grey Septarian with slicked-back black hair.

The prisoner started to fall forward but the visitor catches him "thank you....Rasticore" the prisoner thanked him and tried to keep himself steady while the black substance started to surround him giving him the strength that he needed. The prisoner stood up straight as he breaths "can't be going around without this" Rasticore tosses the prisoner's weapon "appreciated's send a little....message shall we?"

Everything was all quiet outside of the castle in the snow until the castle blew up from the inside sending guards and Mewman soldiers outside from the blast. Within the building two Septarian walked towards the exit. Manfred shook his head around and looked at the two Septarian in fright "y-you horrendous monsters may b-be free now but the Magic High Commissioners will find out about this and-" "I planned to...and I want you to be my message delivering boy to the commissioners....tell them...that 'I....have returned....and I will have no one stopping me and I will end them if I have to considering what they have done to ruin my life...." the grey Septarian picks up Manfred from his collar " all these messages clear?" Manfred gulped and nodded "crystal".

The grey Septarian drops Manfred to the ground and he runs far away to make sure he doesn't let any monsters following him when he opens the portal.

The prisoner looks at the view of the stormy snowy weather and the snowy mountains "rest well Magic High Commissioners...the truth will be revealed of what heroes you truly are"

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