Star's plan

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After that meeting with the royals and Star over hearing about the threat. She wanted to
make a plan of her own and gain some
love and respect from her dad.

Throughout the days, she has been distracted in her journal of plans to defeat the threat who will probably try to over throw her dad and rule Mewni. Well she's not gonna let that happen.

Star's pov
I have been very busy with my awesome plans to stop the villain from ruling over Mewni and over throwing my dad "pfftt like they could actually stop my dad" I said out loud. Dad is a monster hunter and wins every time...though sometimes it bothers me seeing trophies of monsters....they are very creepy to look at their dead faces.

I draw the greatest plans in my journal while getting distracted many times.

Halls: Drawing in the journal not looking where she is going until tripping and bumping into a small table with a vase "ooff!!". She falls flat on her stomach while holding the journal up but the vase falls to the floor getting broken into pieces. The maids groans in annoyance "oops...sorry!" Star apologizes but the maid just raises their noses into the sky not looking at Star. Star gets up for the maids to do their job while feeling hurt.

Tree:Star hangs herself upside down on a tree branch while drawing on the journal "maybe this spell can-" she hears the branch breaking "uh oh" the branch falls off with star "ooff!!" Star hits the ground "ow". She used her wand to heal herself.

Training area: Star focus on her journal while she waves her wand around making a sword float and battles with Tom. The journal is also floating making it easy for her to keep drawing.

Tom's pov
I fought off the floating sword until Star just gets more distracted on her journal that the sword just floats around aimlessly "ok Star...what is it with you and that journal?" "huh?" Star looks at me and the sword drops down to the ground "oh it's my journal of ✨Awesome Plans to defeat the enemy✨by Princess Star Butterfly!" she said enthusiastically "you seem happy about it" I said "yes! My plans are going to work once I put them in action" she said

Star's pov
I explained my plan and showed him the drawings "1st! I will leave to find the enemy myself! 2nd! find a camp of monsters. 3rd! threaten them making them scared enough to tell me the information of the enemy! 4th find the enemy, defeat him, bring him to dad and the magic high commission. Let the Magic High Commission do their job and dad will ever be so proud of me!" I said and show the last drawing of my dad and me hugging each other.

Tom's pov
Star showed me her drawings of her plan, she showed me the last one but I see two people hugging Star. I know the yellow bearded guy is her dad but there was someone else next to her. I couldn't tell who since Star drew small black scribbles on the top face area, not seeing the eyes and face but a small smile from it and had a blue bed dress "uh Star? who's the woman with the blue dress" "what?" Star's eyes widens a bit and looked at her drawing "huh...I...I don't remember drawing this person....I...don't know" she said looking so concerned about it "uh...hey would you look at that it's lunch time...lets go before your dad gets strict with you" I said and we got back inside the castle.

At night

Star's pov
I was outside on my balcony while looking up at the moon shining down on Mewni and having my journal near me "...." I grabbed it and looked through the pages to find the last drawing I made. I looked at the drawing of the blue lady hugging me...I don't know why I drew it or even noticed myself drawing her but...I know where the idea came from.

Star's dream
I was somehow in a different castle when I woke up and facing a door in front of me. My hand got itself to knock, I didn't know anyone was in there until I heard an answer from the inside "come in" it was a lady that answered. I opened the door and saw a sunlight nearly shining above the bed but wasn't fully aiming at the bed.

I was able to see a lady holding a small pink blanket, cradling it. I couldn't fully see the lady, just part of her lower face, the blue bed dress and her smile. The shade was completely covering the top part of her face. She noticed me but smiled and motioned me to come over. I got a bit nervous but went to her bedside and noticed that she was holding a baby, my eyes gleams at the sight and smiled at the baby as they grabbed my finger "she's beautiful...isn't she" the lady said only towards me smiling at me as if it means something "she is" I smiled but I felt myself crying so much suddenly and can feel this weird feeling in my heart, it feels...happy, sad, and...complete.

The lady wiped my tears away while one of her arms holds the baby. She smiled at me looking a bit worried maybe but I still couldn't see her whole face to know for sure. I heard the door was opening again meaning that someone else is coming in, I looked at the door to see who it was but—. A maid had to wake me up from it before I could even see who it was that was coming through the door.

Present Star's pov
I kept on looking at the drawing until I saw a drop fell into it "huh?" I felt my face and it had tears streaming down "ugh!" I wipe my eyes with my arm. I got to my room and took out the book of spells. I unlocked it and found Glossaryck snoring "Glossarck!" "yawns* num nom num" Glossaryck mumbles in his sleep "Glossaryck!!" I said it again but louder but not too loud to wake dad or the servants "ah! *yawns* Star do you have any idea what time is it!" Glossaryck complained "sorry...moody" "Alright, this better be important" he said and I picked up a cup of chocolate pudding "ah it is important" he said as his eyes widens.

I opened the cup and get a spoon full of it and feed it to Glossaryck, he chews and I put down the cub of pudding and grabbed my journal, turned the pages and showed the last drawing to him "who is this?" "hm why thats a drawing of you and River, embracing each other" Glossaryck said "ugh! No! I mean this one! Who is she! She came from my dream last night!...the blue lady!" I pointed at the small drawing "hm...buhp! That is for you to find out yourself...but I will tell you this on how you will find out" Glossaryck said and he snapped his fingers

Glossaryck brough me to a void with mewmans walking around "everyone wears a mask everyday, they say thinks to make us think there isn't a mask on them" Glassaryck said "ssoo not following" I said being confused "there isn't anyone with a mask" I looked around seeing some of them talking to each other while smiling "are you really sure about that?" Glassaryck asked. One of the illusions of a mewman bumped into me and their face actually fell to the floor breaking into pieces "are you ok?!" I asked but they pushed me away being angry "ow!" I looked at the illusions around us as their faces gets cracked too and revealed their hidden emotions "behind the mask there is always something hidden, so for you to find the must follow the mask" Glossaryck said and snapped us back to my room "well I have finished my late night snack so good night!" Glossarck said and the book closed up.

I looked at the book for a moment then looked at the empty pudding cup. I threw it away and went on my bed. I thought about what Glossaryck meant for a bit until I fell asleep.

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