Tam and Keefe ✧ 2

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Dumbfounded silence enveloped the clearing, and Keefe and Tam stared, or rather, Keefe stared at the back of Tam's head, whilst Tam stared at the open streets that stretched beyond.

The fresh smell of pastries and warm deserts coated the air in a sweet aroma, and Keefe found himself taking deep breaths with every chance he could get. His eyes drifted to the raven in front of him. The shining lights of Mysterium stood out in the night sky, and it was only a matter of minutes before the dessert stalls closed for the night.

He tapped Tam's shoulder, and in response, the shorter boy turned to him with an angry eyebrow raise, and narrowed eyes. "What?"

He smiled playfully. "Let's go get some food!"

And in less than a minute, quite the world record, Tam begrudgingly followed after Keefe as he skipped along the glittered roads. Keefe was pleased with himself, to say the least, this was Tam, the second most stubborn boy on Earth (second to only Keefe himself), and Keefe managed to convince him within 60 seconds. He definitely deserved an award.

But then again, the reason Tam relented so easily was likely because of the tired droops in his eyes. Yeah, he definitely needed to get to bed soon, before he passed out in a crowd of people.

Keefe grabbed Tam's arm, which startled the boy enough for him to realize that they were already in front of the stalls, a batch of custard bursts in their hands. Keefe pushed it towards him, and Tam caught a whiff of a sickeningly sweet aroma.

Keefe smiled at him. "C'mon, have one."

Tam sighed and wrangled himself out of Keefe's grip. "Which one is mint chocolate?" he asked, and Keefe's smirk faded to a scowl.

"Ew, mint chocolate is gross." Keefe made a mock-disgusted face, but handed him the piece anyway. Tam matched his eye with a scowl of his own.

"If you don't like it, then why did you get one?" he asked, pulling the sweet out of the blonde's hands, stuffing it into his mouth, not bothering to savor the flavor. The only thing on his mind was sleep, anyway.

Keefe crossed his arms, and stuck his tongue out. "I got it because Linh told me you like them," Keefe bit into a chocolate piece with a filling of whipped cream. "-which you should totally be thanking me for, by the way!"

Tam rolled his eyes. "Fine, whatever. Thanks." the boy murmured, finishing the last of the mint dessert, wiping the crumbs on the rough fabric of his gray tunic.

Keefe's gaze moved to the rising moon, and shit, it was definitely past sunset by now. He didn't even realize so much time had passed. It was unfortunate, he was really enjoying himself.

His eye caught the raven, and just as quickly, he turned away before the heat could rise into his head.

Onto the bigger problem, he needed a place to stay. He was basically jumping around from house to house, usually bunking at Havenfield or Everglen, and occasionally at Rimeshire. He's done this for a while now, and he'd continue, at least until he was old enough to own his own property.

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