9. Anniversary

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"Unbelievable!" I exclaimed in shock as I saw the huge crowd of reporters in front of the main entrance of the hotel where the function will be held. I glanced at one reporter who was broadcasting the whole situation live. "As you can see-" One reporter said as she gestured to the hotel. "We are outside The Grand Prince Hotel Takanawa Hanakohoro where the big event is happening. Today is the 40th anniversary of The Tachibana Industries and most importantly-" She squealed. "Today is the day Taki Tachibana is going to introduce the love of his life to the world!"

"Are you kidding me?" Saya-chan snapped. "They're here to see the fiancée." "Now that's obvious." I spoke. "Can we go inside? The flash from the camera is giving me a headache." Tessie asked. We were standing near the lamppost, watching the camera men take endless photos of celebrities and business tycoons who were walking down the red carpet.

"Let's use that door." I said while pointing at a side entrance of the hotel. "Ya. Let's use that." I spoke. The three of us made our way through the rest of the employees who decided to use this entrance and reached the banquet hall.

The banquet hall was beautiful. The ceiling was nearly twenty feet high and up there hung a huge chandelier that illuminated the entire hall in a shimmering gold. Small, white pedestals were placed at the sides with vases of red roses on top of each one.

"I'm getting a drink." Tessie said and walked away. "By the Mitsuha, I didn't tell you before but, you look really beautiful. Everything you got that day really matched your skin tone." Saya-chan said making me blush. "Thank you, Saya-chan." I was indeed wearing the dress, shoes, make-up and jewelry I got that day in the office. After all, it must've costed a lot to buy these many things for me. Even if it was from someone anonymous, it would be rude to stand up on them, when they sent me this much and don't see me at the event.

Suddenly, someone tapped the mic, and I turned to see our VP standing on the dais. She smiled and started speaking. "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you all for being with us today. We're pleased to have you all join us to proudly celebrate 40 years of The Tachibana Industries."

"Oh my god. She's giving the welcome speech?" Saya-chan said, horrified. "Anyone need ear plugs?" One of our colleagues, Hino Kahoko asked. "I need one." Tessie said instantly and Hino handed him. Tessie quickly placed it in his ears, turning the VP's voice out. "Wow. We really hate her, don't we?" I chuckled.

I looked around and saw many famous actors, actresses, business tycoons, politicians and many more. All of them were talking in groups, standing around alcohol tables, wearing expensive clothes.

At the far end of the hall, I saw Taki Tachibana talking to a group of people. His face was angled away from me, but I could see his perfect features. Long lashes, soft lips, fair skin and that strength he hid behind the black blazer he wore.

I found myself blushing hard. Wow! What's wrong with me? Well, I have to admit, he's handsome, even if he's a jerk. "Mitsuha, where's Tessie?" Saya-chan asked, making me look away from Taki Tachibana and look at Saya-chan. "Wasn't he right here before?" I asked.

"There he is." I said, pointing at the bar at the far end, talking to Jenny from the JJ band. "Ah, I'll get him here." Saya-chan said. "Okay. I'll be at the dessert counter." I said, making her nod and leave me alone. I walked over to the food table and examined all the desserts present. In the end, I settled for a brownie with vanilla ice cream. I was just about to start eating when I heard a familiar voice.

"Miyamizu-san, you came." I whirled around and saw the Dracula, Taki Tachibana leaning against a pillar, his arms folded across his chest. "I didn't know I had a choice." I said. He smirked. "I read your notebook." Heat creeped up to my cheeks. Can this get any more embarrassing? "It's not mine." I said, making him chuckle.

Before I decided to throw Saya-chan under the bus, I changed the subject. "I saw your fiancée." I said while looking at a girl who was drinking wine, while talking to the famous actor Daniel Kuso. Taki followed my gaze. "She's not my fiancée." he said, making me frown. "She is. I saw her at the executive meeting, and she called you 'honey.'" I exaggerated the word and glanced at him, trying to search for a reaction, but Taki Tachibana looked unfazed for a moment before he sighed.

"She isn't my fiancée, Miyamizu-san." Taki said and leaned in on me. "And, unlike you, I don't lie to people." I scoffed. Lame. "So, if she isn't your fiancée, who is your real one?" "You'll see in a few hours." I looked at him while Taki gave me that smug look of his.

"Whatever," I said. "you'd better not talk to me. Or else people will think I'm your fiancée." I said jokingly. Taki suddenly threw his head back and laughed, his eyes glinting in a bliss. "I know right." I said in a monotonous tone. "So funny."

"Not at all, Miyamizu-san." Taki shook his head with a smile on his lips. "Well, enjoy the party. See you in a few hours." He said and walked away. "Why would I see you in a few hours?" I asked, but he was long gone.

"Jerk." I cursed and started searching for my friends and found them eavesdropping on Taki's fiancée and Jenny's conversation. I was about to run to them when Hino interrupted me. "Was it my hallucination, or did Taki Tachibana really laugh with you?"

"You're drunk." I said with a fake smile. "So, it's your hallucination." Hino wrinkled her nose. "Must be, because Taki Tachibana never laughs." Really? "Well, nice info. Gotta go Hino-san." I said and went to my friends, dragging them away from Taki's fiancé and Daniel.

After many speeches and boring presentations about the history of the company, the dance floor came to life. The celebrities were the ones to dance first, followed by business tycoons along with our board members and executives. They did a slow dance with their partners, nearly making me cringe.

The DJ came and was about to hype the party up when Taki's fiancée came up to the stage and took the mic. "It's happening!" Saya-chan squealed. I pushed through the crowd to look at her face. I wanted to look at Taki's face when she announces herself as his fiancée. Ha. I'm going to return that smug look back at him.

"Hello everyone. I am Miki Okudera." She introduced herself. "I wanted to say something very important to you all. It's what you all have been waiting..." She suddenly faltered in her speech as her gaze fell on somewhere - or rather, on someone.

I turned to see who she was looking at and saw Taki striding towards me. What's he doing here? Shouldn't he be on stage? He reached me and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer.

I gasped as my eyes widened. Then, he did the last thing I expected him to do. He kissed me.

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