36. Jealous - 2

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Mitsuha POV:

I yawned slightly as I tried to remain focused on my design. For the past few days, I had been running around, trying to find more clues about Shinta Takagi's death. Taki truly didn't deserve this. I wanted to help him, but what I didn't realize was that by doing this... I was keeping a distance between us. 'Have I done something wrong? Why is Mitsuha avoiding me so much?' Taki thought with a pained expression.

"Mitsuha," Tessie called me, startling me out of my thoughts. "Ya?" I spoke up. Today, Saya-chan was absent from work. Apparently, she got food poisoning last night at dinner, making her skip office today. "Want to go out for lunch with me today?" He asked, making me look at him. "Sure Tessie. I'd love to." I said while smiling at him, making him blush.

Soon after, it was lunch time. Tessie and I got up from our seats and went to one of the nearby restaurants and ordered some food. I ordered simple noodles while Tessie ordered salmon. "Mitsuha," Tessie called out, making me look at him. "What is it, Tessie?" I asked. "You like Tachibana-san, right?"

My face heated up and I rubbed it in frustration. "For god's sake, stop bringing up this topic already. Why does it matter to you who I like?" It was more than enough now. Every time, Tessie would ask me the same question over and over again, it was sickening.

"Of course, it matters to me!" Tessie said a little loudly, attracting the attention of a few people. I quickly apologized before I spoke up. "I can date whoever I want. Who are you to tell me no?" I said in an angry voice. Just what was his problem? Does he think I'm still the same, stupid, naive Mitsuha Miyamizu who did all the donkey work and didn't open her mouth to shut up the people who bad mouthed her in high school?

"What if I do?" I said in annoyance. I was so lost in my anger that I didn't even notice the hurt expression on Tessie's face. I myself was annoyed. But at what exactly, even I didn't know. Was I still annoyed at Taki for forcing me to be his fiancée without even considering how I would feel? Was I angry at Tessie that he kept asking me the same things over and over again? Was I angry at my father and grandmother because of whom I'm still stuck with Taki? Was I angry at Yotsuha for accepting Taki so easily? Or was I angry at Itsuki-san for killing so many people and ruining Taki's life?

Was choosing to be Taki's fiancée such a bad choice? Sure, Taki did indeed force me to be his fiancée, but I was the one who agreed to live with him later on, even if it was Yotsuha. "Tessie, I'm tired of this argument. It's always the same fight over and over again. If you have nothing else to talk about, then just please don't talk. I'm tired Tessie."

"Mitsuha, I-" Tessie started, but I cut through him. "Looks like, with or without Tachibana-san, we never would've been able to be together." I said, making Tessie widen his eyes as he looked at me. "W-what are you talking about?" He croaked. "You don't believe me no matter how many times I tell you the truth and blindly keep believing your own theories. If we truly ended up dating, neither of us would've been happy, because I bet you would've doubted me many times and didn't believe me. Am I wrong, Tessie?"

Tessie widened his eyes, nearly bawling them. "Mitsuha! That's... I..." I sighed. "Well, it's okay. I just hope we can continue being friends. Is that okay?" I asked. "Also, why don't you try asking Saya-chan out once in a while?" "Mitsuha-" Tessie started but I cut through him. "Please spare me Tessie. I really don't want to talk about this anymore. Let's just eat and go back to office."

The rest of the day was horrible for me. By the time office hours were over, I got a severe headache. So, I laid down on my desk to sleep for a while. I only thought of taking a short nap, but before I knew it, I drifted off into a deep slumber.

Taki POV:

I had just finished his work and left the office. Right now, it was seven in the evening. 'My work was finished sooner than I expected.' I thought. I was about to leave when I suddenly noticed a light in the office, making me sigh. 'Which idiot forgot to turn off the light? I need to check the camera and fire him.' Or so I thought.

However, when I reached the office room to turn off the light, I was surprised to see Mitsuha there, sleeping peacefully on her desk, her drawings piled neatly on her table. "Mitsuha?" I whispered as I walked up to her.

What was Mitsuha doing here so late in the night? Didn't she go home? Seeing her sleep so peacefully, I couldn't help but smile slightly. She was the hardest working employee of mine. And I truly do admire her for that.

I stacked up her files and closed her laptop before pushing it into her bag. I then flung over her laptop bag on one shoulder and mine on another before picking her up in my arms. 'So light. She lost a lot of weight recently. Is something bothering her?' I thought as I left the office building.

Hodaka was at the main entrance, waiting for me. Seeing me carry Mitsuha in my arms, he was a bit stunned. However, he quickly snapped out of his thoughts and opened the back door.

I gently placed Mitsuha inside the car before removing Mitsuha's bag and placed it in the front seat along with my own. I then got into the back seat, next to Mitsuha and put her seatbelt on for her before putting on my own.

Mitsuha was sleeping peacefully, her eyes closed. Seeing her look so peaceful, I couldn't bring myself to wake her up. And so, the ride went by smoothly.

Once we reached my mansion, I picked up Mitsuha in my arms and went inside, while Hodaka helped me carry the bags. Luckily, I didn't run into Yotsuha, or else it would've been hard to keep her quiet. I went to my room and gently placed her on the bed.

I was tempted to remove her clothes to make her feel better, although I stopped myself. It wasn't right. Besides, if I did that, I have a feeling Mitsuha would hate me forever. Although, there was still one thing I could do.

I climbed on top of the bed and hovered over her before I slowly reduced the distance between our faces. My lips met hers, letting me taste those delicious, candy flavored pink lips. Oh, how I loved them. It was my favorite taste.

The sleeping beauty moaned in the kiss, turning me on. Crap. Mitsuha, don't make things harder for me. However, she just didn't help. Unconsciously, Mitsuha pulled me closer, deepening the kiss. Originally, I was only planning to kiss her lightly. I didn't expect her to deepen it.

Unable to bear it any longer, my hand wrapped itself around her slim waist while I broke away from the kiss and moved down to her neck, giving her a lingering wet kiss. Mitsuha moaned as one of her hands fisted my hair and the other held my shoulder.

I knew doing more would just get me in trouble the next day. And so, I broke away from her and kissed her forehead before sleeping next to her. 'Well. That hickey should serve as a reminder for her to stay away from Katsuhiko.' I thought angrily as I hugged her.

"My dear fiancée, don't make me jealous again. Or else the next time, I might do more than just give you a hickey." I whispered before pecking her lips one more time and drifting off to sleep.

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