21. Ambush

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Mitsuha POV:

I slowly opened my eyes and groaned as I got off bed. Ah! Jet lag. My head. I clumsily made my way to the bathroom and freshened up. After managing to chase the sleep away, I went downstairs to the dining hall. "Good morning, Mitsuha-sama." The maids and cooks greeted me, making me wave my hand. "Good morning. And please don't call me Mitsuha-sama. Just call me Mitsuha." I said, making them nod.

"Mitsuha-san, we apologize, but breakfast isn't ready yet. I'm afraid you would have to wait for another half an hour." One of the cooks said, making me smile. "No worries. Take your time." I went to one of the cup boards and took out a bowl. "Mitsuha-san, what are you doing?" Another cook asked. "I just thought of making myself a coffee." "Mitsuha-san, you don't have to do that. I'll make it for you." "No worries. It's just a coffee. You don't have to make that as well. I can make it on my own. Why don't you all just rest for now? You all have to be working the entire day, right?" I replied, making them stare at me, some of them blushing.

I walked over to the fridge and pulled out the milk. Next up, I took a bowl, instant coffee powder and sugar. After pouring some milk in the bowl, I heated it on the stove and added the coffee and sugar. The white milk soon turned a lovely shade of light brown as the aroma of a strong coffee invaded my nostrils, filling the kitchen with its scent.

Soon after I finished brewing myself a coffee, I went outside and sat down at the porch. I was about to drink my coffee when I felt an eerie chill. Sure, it was a cold morning, but it felt like a cold stare, the one a murderer will give to its target. I looked around, trying to find the source. However, I just couldn't.

I quickly placed my cup down and had just stood up, when I was suddenly held by someone from the side and was spun around, pressing me against their chest. The next moment, I heard a gunshot and a groan, before feeling a wet sensation under my eye.

"Are you okay?" A familiar voice asked, making me open my eyes, and see Taki holding me, as he stroked his thumb under my eye, wiping the wetness away. His white shirt was stained red under his right shoulder area, making me widen eyes in horror. "What the... Tachibana-san?!" I cried as I looked at him.

Suddenly, I heard another gun shot, making me quickly pull Taki down. Taki stumbled on his footing and fell down on top of me while my back crashed on the green grass. The bullet missed Taki this time, hitting the coffee cup I got.

I pressed Taki against my body, trying not to put too much pressure on his wound and picked up a big rock I found, while trying to find the source of the shooting. However, before I could, I heard another gunshot and an unfamiliar shout, followed by a crash on the ground. "Tachibana-san! Miyamizu-san!" Hodaka came running towards us with a gun in his hand. I gently pushed Taki off me and held him on my lap while he kept groaning in pain.

"Taki!" I cried as I saw him groaning on my lap. The moment I called his name, Taki looked at me with a smile on his face. "I never thought... there would be a day... where my fiancée... would be worried... about me." He said. I tore off my shirt and tied it around Taki's wound, stopping the blood flow.

"Hodaka! Give me the car keys!" I cried. However, Hodaka simply picked up Taki from my arms and ran to the car. I followed behind, getting in the car. We quickly drove to the hospital and Taki was rushed to a medical ward.

I anxiously waited outside, nervously tapping my foot as tears involuntarily spilled out of my eyes. That shot was meant for me. But Taki took it for me. Why? Why would he do such a thing? "Mitsuha," I heard Hodaka call me, making me look up at him. "Are you alright?" He asked, making me nod, my whole body shaking.

"What actually happened?" I sighed and told him everything. "He got hurt because of me. All because of me." I cried as I buried my face in my hands. In fear, I even started shivering. "Miyamizu-san." I heard someone call me, making me wipe away my tears and look at them. "Yes?" I saw a doctor look at me, making me look back at them.

"Mr. Tachibana is alright. He can be discharged today evening." The doctor said, making me nod. "I see. Thank you so much. May I see him?" I asked, making the doctor nod.

I went inside Taki's hospital room. Taki was sitting on the bed shirtless, a large white bandage covering his shoulder. When he heard the door open, he looked up and smiled when he saw me.

"Mr. Tachibana, your wound is quite deep since it's a bullet wound. However, you luckily wouldn't be needing stitches, if you follow the post care instructions properly. For post care, you should avoid spicy food for at least three weeks. The wound shouldn't touch water for at least two weeks. And please do not strain your shoulder too much." The doctor said, making Taki nod.

"Thank you so much." Taki said in gratitude. The doctor left the room, and then Taki looked at me, smiling. "Mitsuha. You're not hurt, right?" He asked, making me cry. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. You got hurt because of me."

"Mitsuha," Taki called, making me look at him. He beckoned me to come over as he positioned his bed up. I walked over to Taki's side, tears still spilling out of my eyes as I sat next to him. "Sh... don't cry. Don't cry now. I don't want to see your tears. I'm so glad you're not injured." He raised his hand and wiped away my tears. Unable to bear it anymore, I held his hand, pressing it against my cheek.

"Taki," I called, stunning him in the process as he looked at me. "please... don't ever do such a thing again. Taking a bullet for me. Please don't do it again." "You called me by my name." He pointed out, making me widen my eyes. I looked at him and saw a smirk on his lips. The next moment, he pulled me on top of him with his uninjured hand, making me fall on top of his chest.

"What are you-" Before I could finish my sentence, Taki pressed his lips against mine while lowering his head. His fingers traveled in my hair as he pressed my head. He tilted his head from one side to another, making our lips move. I stayed in my position, frozen. After kissing for a while, Taki pulled away and leaned his forehead against mine. "Mitsuha, to answer your question, if it keeps you safe, I would do it again, even if I have to risk my life for it." He said.

I gasped as I saw the sincerity in his eyes, which kept looking at me. "As long as it keeps you happy and safe, I would do anything. Don't you get it? You're mine. My lifeline, Mitsuha." My eyes widened. Was he... this devoted to me? My heart bet faster as I felt heat rise up to my cheeks, before tears ran down my eyes again.

"Mitsuha!" Taki exclaimed. He then pulled me into a hug and patted me, trying to console. "Please don't cry, Mitsuha. I'm okay. I'm really okay." He said, trying to soothe me. But his injury wasn't the reason I cried this time. Why? Why do you love me so much? Taki Tachibana, just what do you see in me, for you to love me this much? Just what... are you doing to my heart?

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