random headcanons (sfw ver.)

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-cat person 100%
cannot stand dogs for some reason (hes scared of them because he had offered to take Wriothesley's dogs on a walk once (another hc that Wrio really likes dogs, especially big muscle-y ones that could easily drag someone) and almost got his shit rocked when one saw a squirrel)

"Far too loud... and quite frankly, a bit terrifying. *shudder*"

-absolutely loves when youre just in the same room as him. it dont matter what either of you are doing.
time spent love language

-also gift giving
loves buying you gifts like random rings and bracelets and necklaces etc (a lil extra on that in nsfw ver. ;))

-cannot cook simple shit but will also make the most complicated, 5-star restaurant worthy dishes randomly
      -burnt water once
      -proceeded to make the most delicious like three course meal ever the very next day
      -theres no consistency to it either like bro will go MONTHS without failing to make something and then whoops all of a sudden that pan has a hole burnt through it
      -or the other way around

-despite his love for water, he seems to always have wines stored away in his basement.
      - has one of those 'basement bars' (idk what theyre called actually) and a dawn winery worthy cellar
      - youll just be chilling together like reading or smth and he'll get up and go grab a bottle and its just like 'where tf did that come from you waterholic'

-loves when you mess with his hair
      - brush it, braid it, he dont care
      - jokingly hummed the song from tangled once while you brushed it and now its like a nightly thing
(pls someone tell me you know what im talking about when i say the song from tangled i will cry)

-speaking of songs if you cant sleep hed sometimes sing you to sleep
mostly its old lullabies in his draconic tongue, but sometimes its a soft song from your playlist or his.

- more music talk bc mhm
   -he listens to mitski and girl in red and liana flores and cavetown and arctic monkeys and whatever you put on
    -particularly dislikes screamo rap and harder rock genres, it hurts his ears
    -unironically listens to classical music too
        - but he likes the popular/well known stuff like fur elise or in the hall of the mountain king

-loves when you rant about your special interests to him
-will listen for HOURS with the most adoring little smile

-easily bothered by loud noises/spaces
-brings a set of earplugs everywhere bc of it
-also brings a set for you if you have the same issue

-will put more at some point i promise 😪

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