headcanons :3 (nsfw!!! ver)

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lawd where to start ive got sm

- theres two. cuz hes a dragon and why not
respect to my fellow guys cuz hes probably having us take both 😪

-has a heat cycle, but its only like two weeks in like April/May ish
during those two weeks however he will revert to a more draconic form so like
claws, horns, scale patches, tail, deeper voice, slips back into his native tongue while ur ykyk, etc
(i made a chai bot of this one if any of yall are interested, minus the language slips bc idk how to do that)

hes very needy during this as well, so dont expect to leave the house (or even the room really) very much during this time

-gives you lots and lots of little gifts in the month before it starts, an instinctual custom for dragons

-amazing aftercare, especially drmuring his cycle, since he'd most likely be a LOT rougher with it just out of pure desperation and neediness
-will hold and comfort you if you end up crying, cleans you up, lets you rest in his arms if you pass out, brings you water and snacks, praises you, etc etc.

-if you pass out/start crying mid-fuck, he will immediately stop and make sure you're alright, no matter how badly he wants to finish.
-if you pass out and he cant wake you up within a few minutes to ask if youd like to continue, he'll just jerk hinself off in the bathroom AFTER hes cleaned you up and taken care of you, because even if he's needy, you and your comfort/pleasure are his top priority
- if you started crying he'll ask if you want to keep going, and will respect if you don't, also probably ending up jerking off later.

-however if hes really into it (once again, most likely during his cycle) and doesnt realize until its over that you were crying/passed out, he will apologize over and over again until youre practically begging him to let you forgive him

- before you, he was very much a virgin
-didn't even realize what was happening when he was in heat until you explained it.

silly things (idk what to call these)

> "You mean to say that those were... sexual urges, and not just odd feelings from being in more of my true form? And that's all supposed to happen every year?? Why?? ...Huh? No more questions? But... I'd really like to know. It's my own body, and apparently I don't know of a decent amount of its functions."

> "Is it really meant to get hard like that? ...Yes? Wh-Why? ... So I can- *noises of confusion and disbelief* You're telling me that... it's supposed to get hard, so it's easier for me to be able to... put it into another person?? *more flabbergasted and flustered noises*"

> "A-Are you sure I'm supposed to feel this- hah~...this good?" (um anyway 🙏)

- after the first few times (*COUGH* after he got used to the feelings and had nearly all of your favorite spots memorized *COUGH*) he never let himself cum first, always making sure that you felt good before he did, even during his cycle, when all that was on his mind was breeding y̶o̶u̶.

-very into bondage, doesnt matter who its done to
-also biting. loves to hear you whine when he does it
-along with biting, he loves to see his marks on you. handprints on your ass or thighs, bites anywhere, scratches on your back, anything.
-adores having your marks on him as well.

-deadass went to do a trial thing with bite marks all over his neck, visible to anyone sitting close enough.
-Furina questioned him after, ofc

"Monsieur Neuvillette, did you dogsit for Monsieur Wriothesley again? There are bite marks all over your... wait a damn minute. Those arent dog bites, they're not shaped right to be..."

"You would be correct, in that they are not dog bites."


"Language, Lady Furina."

"Answer my question."

"I have the right to remain silent, as anything I say about this particular topic can and will be used against me in any conversation I have with you from now on."

"Gods damn you."

"I thought you were a god?"


as I said before i will add more at some point 😪

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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