Chapter 2: "Operation: Save Benny!"

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Bad Cop looked around. "Where's Benny?"

Emmet nervously laughed, "W-we.. we were about to ask.. y-you the same thing..!!"
Lucy punched Emmet in the stomach. "OW!"

"What Emmet was trying to say was, what happened?" Lucy calmly replied. Bad Cop scratched his head, "The last thing I remember was fighting robots—"

"Wait!! There were robots?!" Emmet interrupted. "Yes and they tied Benny up—"
"They tied Benny up?!!"

A slightly annoyed Bad Cop sighed, then resumed, "Yeah, and shortly after I was shot in the back with a blaster—"

"THEY SHOT YOU IN THE BACK WITH A BLASTER?!?" Emmet screamed out and earned another punch from Lucy, which made him hit the concrete ground.

"Maybe they took Benny.." Lucy said as she added up the story piece by piece.

"DARN, DARN, DARN, DARNY-DARN!!" Bad Cop screamed out as he kicked a nearby trash can and threw it up to the sky, causing it to hit someone in the back.

Lucy and Emmet were completely speechless by the cop's reaction. "We should maybe call up the crew to investigate what's going on."
Benny nervously laughed as he was led into the Octan Tower. "Heheh.. okay, so uhm.. wh-why do you need me?"
The robot henchmen looked behind to face the astronaut. "We are not telling you. It is a super secret top project that you are involved in."

"Oookayy..." Benny replied. He slowly started to struggle went the robot henchmen weren't looking. "Stop struggling, it will not help."

"W-what.. what do you— ACKK!!" Benny screamed as he was electrocuted by the robot henchmen behind him.

Benny coughed as he had tried to heal from the electrocution. The robot henchmen smiled, "Again, but more harder."

The robots behind Benny moved the machine switch to medium level and electrocuted Benny again. This time, Benny screamed a bit more louder in pain. "Max capacity."

The robot carrying the machine nodded as he moved the switch up to Max capacity. The robot electrocuted Benny even harder than before and Benny had collapsed on one knee, panting.

His eyes were filled with tears, he couldn't take it any longer, he couldn't fight back.

He was weak.
Emmet paced around the room, back and forth. He was thinking of plan to save Benny when someone had knocked on his bedroom door. "Emmet..?" Lucy said as she knocked.

Emmet jumped as he had gotten scared by the sudden voice. He opened the door and saw Lucy waiting for him. "Hey.." He said with a genuine sadness in his voice.

"I know your worried about.. him." Lucy slightly frowned. Emmet sniffled, "It's okay, now, let's go talk with the others."
Metalbeard, Unikitty, Batman, and Bad Cop were sitting on the couch, waiting for Emmet and Lucy. Emmet ran down his stairs and Unikitty jumped up from her seat. "Batman said he got your message! What happened?" Unikitty said as her ears slowly started to flop down.

Emmet sighed before continuing, "Your probably wondering where's Benny, right?"
"Yes, we are.." Unikitty replied.
"Actually, I'm not concerned." The black bat said as he earned a nudge from Metalbeard.

"What? I'm just saying."

"Benny was captured by robots.. we don't know who ordered them to capture him, but they got him." Bad Cop said. Metalbeard gasped, "First be robots, second be a future Emmet, and the third one be robots again?"
Bad Cop nodded.

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