Chapter 6: "Forces & Choices."

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"I really didn't want to do this but, it looks like we're going to have to do this the hard way."

"Do what the hard way..?"

Bad Cop threw chairs at Benny. The boy had managed to float up using his jet pack, catching the chairs and then throwing it back at the cop. Bad Cop dodged as he released more chairs into the air.

Benny wasn't fully focused when the cop had thrown a new set of chairs, and yet, one hit him.. straight in the face. Benny's jet pack malfunctioned and he had started to fall from the sky.

Bad Cop walked to the 'injured astronaut' and said, "I'm not going to fight you."

Benny coughed, "Why not? You obviously just did!"

Bad Cop slapped him in the face and then scoffed, "Uhh, don't mind that!!" The cop sighed as he continued to explain.

"What I meant to say was that, I know that somewhere deep, deep down, you can't fight him because he's too strong, you feel like you're weak, but your not. I am here for you."

Benny hesitantly got up on his left arm as he tried to get up. His eyes had slowly switched between red and his normal eye color.

"T-There's no point in fighting him.."

Benny thought, 'How was I able to do that?!'

"Blue!" Bad Cop's smile started to widen. "Just keep going, keep resisting him!!"

Benny grunted as he had tried to hold back the other side of him from taking over. Bad Cop could tell the astronaut didn't want to stay like that forever, nor did he want to hurt his friends..

"Chopper, I-I can't.." The boy replied. "I-I can't fight him.."

"Sure you can!! Trust me."

"N-no, I-I can't!!"

"You're stron—"

"He is not STRONG ENOUGH, none of YOU are STRONG ENOUGH!!" Risky Business had said in the voice of Benny as he quickly choked Bad Cop.

Bad Cop gasped for air as he put his hand on his own neck, trying to get away from Benny's hold. Slowly, Bad Cop had seen Benny's eyes turn back to his normal eye color.

Tears streamed down the astronaut's face as he looked down onto where his hand was placed, slowly putting his other hand onto Bad Cop's.

"I'm sorry, Bad Cop," The astronaut muttered. "He's in my head.."

"Well done, Benny." Risky had said as he came out of the elevator.

Benny let Bad Cop out of his grip as his eyes had turned back to red. "Thank you, sir."

Bad Cop wheezed, still trying to process what had happened. He had never seen the astronaut cry before nor had he seen the astronaut be so serious around him.
The boy was always silly and bubbly around him. And he missed that.
Wyldstyle, Unikitty, Batman, and Metalbeard were left to decide on with a plan. None really had ideas, but Lucy was eager to get her boyfriend back. They were kidnapped before, so obviously she couldn't let him take the turn.

"So, what do we do now?" Unikitty asked.

Batman muttered, "Emmet's been captured by Risky, Bad Cop went after Benny, and Benny is under the control of Risky Business. What next? World domination?!"

"I-I don't know! Emmet's basically the only person who can make plans that are kind of good to succeeding."

"Maybe, just maybe, we could not do a plan and just bust right in and kick butt!" The bat smiled.

"Heave to!!" The pirate yelled.

Suddenly, the whole room had went quiet. "Maybe we run-a-rig on the son of a biscuit eater!"

"What Metalbeard was trying to say is that maybe we should pull a prank on Risky!"

"To be honest, I do need a good laugh, plus.. I think that's a great idea!! Let's get to work and head to the Octan Tower tomorrow at sundown!"
Risky snapped his fingers as the robot henchmen put hand cuffs around Bad Cop's arms.

The business man stepped closer. "Look who we got here! We got ourselves an officer!!" He said as he clapped his hands in joy.

"Oh please, you can drop the act, Business." Bad Cop said as he rolled his eyes.

Risky growled in anger. "Fine," The business man said as he wiped off some dust from his suit. "Nice seeing you again, Bad Cop."

"Whatever, now tell your dumb robots to get these cuffs off of me!"

"Sorry, no can do. Unless.."

"Unless??" Bad Cop confusingly replied.

"We could propose some kind of deal." Risky said as he put his fingers to his lips.

Bad Cop didn't like the feeling and hesitantly replied, "What kind of deal?"

Risky Business led Bad Cop to the top floor and  saw he had tied up Emmet. "A deal for him."

Bad Cop's eyes were filled with terror, 'What kind of deal would this moron want to make?' He thought as he clenched his fists together.

"Aggressive much, I see."

Bad Cop immediately calmed down, "So, what's the deal?"

Risky smirked, "If you turn yourself in, I will let Emmet go. Is that a deal?"

Bad Cop put his head down as he thought for his own decision.

'Who knows what Risky would do to Emmet if I didn't accept the deal. Probably might end up like Blue.'

He sighed, "Okay, deal."

"Bad Cop, NO!!" Emmet yelled as he was being untied by the robot henchmen.

Risky Business started to walk into the elevator with Bad Cop and smirked as he closed the door. "Sorry, but the cop has made his choice.."
If anyone gets the reference with Benny and Bad Cop in this chapter, I love you so much, you must be a Charlie Day fan.

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