Chapter 7. Noticing

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After church service my parents wanted to go to dinner and we went to know place other than Ador. The restaurant was busy, but we had our same table in less than a minute.

We ordered and I sat quietly. I didn't want to be here. This was basically a progress report on my life.

"So, Danielle do you like your new roommate?"

I arched a brow at her. "She's fine. We get along." Where would this line of questioning take us?

"Good. She came from a rough part of the neighborhood back where she's from and showed to be promising. I thought you two might work. You can teach her more."

I looked up confused. "Teach her more?"

"Yes." My mom said as if I should understand why. "She knows nothing but where she's from. Show her, there is more-"

"Mom. Haerin is a smart woman. She isn't some science project."

My mom scowled and my father patted her shoulder. "Don't work yourself up, Baby."

My mom grunted. "Next Sunday. Invite her to church and then let her join us for dinner."

"Mother. Mom," I corrected. "If this is one of your-"

"Danielle, I'm not out to get the poor girl. Just want to know more about the girl who's living with my daughter."

"Not everyone goes to church. I won't pressure her if she doesn't want to go." I already knew she wouldn't. I just asked her this morning.

"Just try and make it happen," my father pleaded. He just wanted this topic to end.

I nodded and by the time we were done, I was happy to head back to my dorm. They asked me how Jungwon and I was and I kept it vague.

The next few days were a blur. I had a presentation I had been working on and was due today.

"Enjoying your week?" Haerin asked, sneaking up behind me, sitting comfortably on a bench.

I smiled, welcoming. "Yes. You just made my day, if that's for me," I said pointing to what she was holding.

She held out a small container of ice cream. "It is," she grinned. "But you have to earn it."

I frowned, with humor in my eyes. "Earn it. How?"

"You have to finally break up with Jungwon," she said.

My eyes sunk at his name. I had been dodging his calls since the event that transpired at the cafe. "I know."

"Today," she said.

I gave her a dubious look. "Why do you want me to break up with him so badly?" Haerin was more eager than me to see me break up with Jungwon.

"Maybe I'm biased. Whatever you decide ... I will always support you. I only want you to be happy," she said as if that was the simplest answer. Her eyes seemed so big and hopeful that I'll break up with Jungwon. "And can focus more on what you the future."

Haerin kept her head abase as I looked at her. Shivers seemed to course through my body. Her tone was a bit inviting to the possibilities she was thinking of. There was definitely a hidden meaning in her statement that I was curious about. Before I could question her further, she opened and dipped the spoon into the ice cream, bringing it up to my lips. "Try it," she said.

Was I about to let her spoon feed me? I guess so. My mouth opened, as she slid the spoon into my mouth. A cold and delicious taste filled my taste buds as I moaned to the pleasure it offered me.

I small drip of ice cream fell to my chin and Haerin used her thumb, wiping it off before it escaped down further. I could feel her eyes on me as she did it and my heart felt heavy in my chest as if I was suddenly carrying a thousand pound crates. She sucked on her thumb and I watched every motion she made. Absently, I liked my lips. This was making me feel something. Something foreign. New. Wanting. My body was acting up and my breathing was hitched beyond measurements.

Her arm brushed against mines and I felt something strange happen to my body. A squeeze of something warm and arousing between my legs and flushing my skin. I moaned absently, blinking repetitively flustered and quickly looked away.

Haerin's cheeks reddened too and I stared back not able to turn from each other. Haerin was about to speak when we were interrupted.

"Hey gorgeous," some guy came up.

Haerin looked like she was pissed. I wasn't sure from what, then again I could guess. I was frustrated too for the interruption. Then my mind ran in circles feeling confused by my feelings. I couldn't think the way I was. "Hey...Niki. You just keep popping up," she said annoyed by that.

He grinned and she grimaced.

"I'm going to head off," I said. I didn't want to be the third wheel. I was getting tired of that feeling. Besides, this was not what I needed. Whatever this was with Haerin I couldn't feel whatever this...was. Maybe he was some guy she was dating and what I was feeling was not real.

"No," Haerin called out. "You don't have to go."

Niki looked from me to Haerin probably hoping I would go.

"No. I'll let you talk to your...friend. Besides, you brought me ice cream so now I have to keep up my end of the deal." I looked at her friend, envious and then the next second abashed. God would not approve of my thoughts. My parents wouldn't approve. I needed to get away.

She knew what I meant and nodded. "Okay." There was disappointment in her eyes, but I had to leave. I notice Something happened between us and it scared me...because I liked it.



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