Chapter 8. Break Up

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I didn't want to see her go. I watched Danielle speed off as if awkward by Niki's whole interruption or the tension between us. 'damn it,' I vented mentally.

Niki could not take a hint and I was beginning to feel this empty presence that she had just filled.

"So. That's your roommate?" Niki asked, sitting beside me.

"Yes," I said dryly.

He heard the irritation in my tone and contorted his face into a perplexed frown. "Did I interrupt something?"

" kinda did," I said hastily without thinking.

He only gave me a deeper look.

"Girl stuff," I added. All I could focus on was Danielle. I wondered how soon she would be with Jungwon, breaking up with him. I hoped so. I would need to get to our room soon to find out. "Niki," I said firmly. "I'm not..."

I didn't know how to tell him I'm not interested without giving too much away. "What? Spit it out," he said impatient.

I frowned trying to gather my words. "I don't...consider you that way."

A 'huh' expression crossed his face.

"I think your cool, but in a cool...friendship way."

Niki furrowed his thick brows leaning back against the bench. I waited for the 'why? Is there someone else?' to start rolling out his mouth.

"I get it. I should have known," he said lowly.

"What? It's not you. It's just-"

"Her?" He finished. I wasn't planning on saying that.

I blanched enough looking ghostly to confirm for him her was right. "What are you talking about?" I wasn't going to admit anything.

"Your roommate."

"What does my roommate have to do with me not wanting you?"

I could tell my words hurt him like a slap. He grunted. "Ouch."

"I'm sorry," I said honestly.

He waved me off. "It's whatever." He paused a moment and then continued. "I saw you feeding her ice cream."

"So?" What was the harm in that?

"It didn't look like a friendly move." He laughed. "I've never fed a woman that way before, but I imagine when I do, it'll look like that...followed by sex."

I went rigid hearing the word 'sex' shuddering next and my mind automatically thought of Danielle. I blushed to the point of me appearing to experience sun burn as my breathing slowed. To a very watchful person, lately it would appear like I was having breathing issues.

"Exactly," he said. He shook his head staring at me. "You do know, she's the deans daughter and they're all religious crazed people?"

I sunk into the bench with that reminder. "I haven't forgotten," I said dryly. I eyed Niki curiously. "Why did you interrupt if you saw what was happening?"

Niki scolded. "I may have gotten a little jealous, originally."

"Originally?" I said disbelieving.

"Yes. But then I thought if I was her mother walking around and saw the two of that, I'd go ballistic." His tone was sarcastic yet accurate. I had yet to meet Danielle's mother but I had heard stories from everyone including Danielle herself.

"Thank you," I said realizing the support he gave me. It wasn't often I came across someone who was open to my sexuality.

"Anytime," he countered. A smile curved around his lips. "Are you a complete lesbian here...or is there a chance your bi?"

He was really checking to see if he ever had a chance. I snorted, rolling my eyes.

" couldn't hurt to ask." He patted me on my leg and stood. "Be careful."

I nodded. "Friends?" I asked.

He smiled, nodding. "Friends. And anytime you need girl talk, I'm available for that."

I laughed. "I'll see you."

After he was gone, I pulled my child developmental textbook out, studying before heading to my next class.

When I was finished for the day, I headed to the snack shack, trying to rebuild my treats back at the dorm. My main focus; getting more gummy worms.

"Hey," I heard a familiar tone shout out. "Haerin."

I turned right before heading inside.

"What the fuck, Haerin?!"

I stared at Jungwon not confused on what his problem was.

"Danielle just broke up with me and I have a funny feeling it was because of you."

I huffed annoyed. "I didn't tell her to do anything she didn't want to do."

Jungwon glowered over me. "Then what did you tell her?"

I stepped back and his hostility diminished a little, realizing he over stepped his boundaries. "I told her the truth," I said vaguely.

"And. What's that?"

He wasn't ready for the truth. He wasn't acknowledging anything he did wrong. "That she deserves better," I said matter-of-fact.

"Damn it, Haerin. That wasn't your place," he yelled.

"How about you stop stressing over what you think is my place and focus on the fact that my statement was true and you didn't even argue that."

He grimaced. "I thought we were best friends here or at least back on track?" he said.

I wasn't going to feel guilty. "When have I ever just watched you or anyone do something as shitty as you've done recently, and support that? I have always had your back, but you know me well enough to know, if you've done something wrong, I will make it come to light to you."

Jungwon gritted his teeth but stayed quiet. He pointed his index finger about to speak but closed his mouth back.

He sighed and then shifted his body walking off. Jungwon was mad at me but this wasn't our first argument and wouldn't be the last. He knew deep down he was wrong and he would come to his senses eventually.

I headed inside the snack shack and then off to my dorm to see how Danielle was doing.



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