Part 25

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Y/n Pov.


I didn't know this guy and wondered why in the world he had kidnapped me. A Harbinger. As much as I wanted to run away from him, somehow I felt like...I knew this person. It was a strange feeling, of happiness and sadness as I looked at him. 

We arrived in Liyue in the afternoon, after he treated me to a good meal, he booked an Inn. Tho, he just booked a room, thank god there were at least two beds..My hands were still cuffed with that strange rope that could prevent me from using my powers.

He didn't talk much during the day, he just looked at me from time to time. But the look on his face, seemed more like pity towards me. And this left me more confused. I couldn't let my guard down tho, I needed to be careful around this guy.

He suddenly walked up to me and looked at me with a smile on his face."You look exhausted... Why don't we both get some sleep and we can continue our little trip tomorrow."

"Well, maybe I am exhausted because of these cuffs?!" I said trying to sound not too hard on him, if maybe I made him loosen up a bit, I could find a way to run away. As far as I knew Tartaglia should have been around there as well, maybe he could help me.

"Poor Y/n..."Oh now he sounded like he was mocking me. Like he just read my freaking thoughts and was playing with me. He then continued. "Don't you worry about these cuffs, I have placed the cuffs in such a way that you won't be able to hurt yourself or anyone else by using your powers."

I looked at him suspiciously. My nerves were on the edge. "You need to tell me what the hell you want from me, why are you doing all of this!"

"I know you are trying to make me let you go, Y/n. You've been trying that since the moment I kidnapped you, and trust me, there is no way in hell you are going to achieve that."

I frowned at his statement.

He slowly started to come towards me. "Well, let's make things clear, Y/n - you have no choice. You will obey me, you will listen to every single word I tell you, and you will not try to run away."

 He came even closer and I stepped back. "And if you don't abide by those rules, I will simply tie you to a pole and drag you around myself. I am not going to tolerate any more tantrums of yours."

His face was now closer to mine looking at me in a threatening manner. I was feeling a bit scared of the change in his voice but I couldn't just hold back my anger anymore. "Just so you wait, until I get out of these cuffs and kill you with my own hands."

 I spoke to him in a serious tone, I didn't even know his name. Who would dare to kidnap a harbinger in a daytime and speak in such manner. Dottore taught me that these kind of people, need to be killed right away. I was somehow at ease that Dottore wasn't there to see this scene, to see how weak I was in that moment...

Because if he had seen me like that.. I would have gone through that torture again...

"I have never let go anyone I kidnapped, Y/n," He smiled. "so you'll just have to accept your fate of staying with me. After all, you will learn to like me. And if you don't - just be prepared to be tied up to a pole."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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