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limi, the best i ever had

you follow grayson outside, "slip and slide? what do you mean slip and slide??" you say confused.
And there it is, a 15 meter slip and slide leading directly into the pool. initially you thought it was a bit gross, all the grass and dirt washing away into the water. But you didn't quite mind when the view was just as good.

you slowly walk over to the top of little hill in graysons backyard where the beginning of the tarp was, groups of wet, shirtless boys all just gathered. You felt awkward approaching since you were the only girl up there, but they didn't seem to care, if anything they encouraged you to strip down and join them.

Unfortunately, before you can even say much, you trip over spilling your drink everywhere, and even better landing in someone's lap, you freeze, basically leaving yourself sitting on some randoms dick.

"oh my god i'm so sorry, this is so embarra-", immediately you choke on your words, you didn't just land in some randoms lap. you landed in atlas's lap. You guys had been going to school together since you started high school, You've always had eyes for atlas, but never had the nerve to say anything to him.

"oh hey y/n, nice seeing you here, just didn't think i'd run into you like this..." atlas says sounding flustered. He sounded like he didn't want to be in this position just as much as you did, understandably.

"i'm sorry here let me-"

(*you try to stand up before loosing grip of the floor, falling again, straddling him this time*).

atlas groans as you slam down onto him again
"do you need help? i'm sorry i just need to go".

you were confused, yeah i guess it's normal to not want some random from school straddling you, but he really seemed to be in a rush. so like any sane person you quickly hurried to lift yourself, brushing your shirt and pants off despite them being wet from his shorts.

"again, i'm really sorry-"
"look it's fine, i'll talk to you later." atlas says before quickly hurrying off.

Stood there, you were shocked, the realisation finally kicked in, you were sat, in atlas's lap, ATLAS.
You realise thinking about what just happened, he seemed flustered. Very flustered. Before you can think too much grayson walked over.

"what happened, is atlas okay, are you okay?"

"yeah i'm fine, as for him though, i don't know. i tripped over and fell directly in his lap, i feel horrid".

"his lap.....?" grayson asks again.

"yes grayson, his lap, is something wrong?"

graysons posture fixed quick, he seemed like he knew something, something you were eager to find out, maybe it could help explain why he needed out so bad.

"oh okay, yeah no whatever he's definitely fine.." grayson says unsure.
"right well i'll be off again, come find me if you need anything!" he yelled while running away back into the pool before canon balling straight in.

he'll never change you think to yourself, always gotta worm his way out of shit.
But atlas, you weren't letting him out of this.
You start making your way back down to find him, last you saw he walked straight in through the back door. So that's exactly where you headed.

the partyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon