Let the Fighting Games began!

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Kion's Pov

"Where am I?" I stood up feeling dizzy and nauseous. I looked at my side and discovered it was Rani. 

By then, my whole family had woken up and was shaking their heads to get rid of the dizziness. 

"Is everyone alright?" I asked, feeling anxious thta I might heard sone bad reports. 

"Yes, Kion. We are all fine." answered my dad. 

"Does anyone knows where we are?" I asked. 

" I know! We are inside a cave guarded by guards." said Kovu. 

"Kovu!!!" I groaned alongside with my family. 

"What? I was making a joke." said Kovu. 

" Next time, do it someplace that is suitable for a joke, ok?" groaned Kiara. 

"Alright." said Kovu. 

Suddenly, two guards appeared and dragged Rani outside.

"Rani!" I shouted as the guards dragged her. 

"Chill down. We are just taking all your family outside. We aren't hurting her." said one of the guards

"You better not. Or you will have to deal with me even if I see a small scratch on her" I growled.

The guards choved me out and I grunted when I fall. Then, I stood up and saw a Lion with guards accompany him. He smirked.

"Good. Welcome, strangers." What's your names." Asked the King.

" Excuse me. Who are you." Growled my father.

" Name's King Ovia. " said the King.

(King Ovia can take anyone abilty to be his own. He can have several abiltys at the same time.)

" I am King Simba, this is my family. Nala, Kiara ,Kion.........." my father said

" Well, King Simba," smirked King Ovia. " Looks like if you die the Pridelands King will be me!" 

" Who said I was going to die?" Retorted my dad.

" I say." King Ovia retorted back.

" Don't talk to my dad that way!" I shouted.

" Well, Kion. I can talk to him anyway I wanted to." Snarled King Ovia.

" That would be King Kion to you." I snarl right back, feeling  the anger rushed up.

" Ohhh. If you die I will have your throne too." Taunted King Ovia.

" Don't talk to my mate that......." said Rani before King Ovia said

" Enough chit-chat, and lined up so the audience can see you." King Ovia said.

We all lined up so we can see the audience. We also saw another line of Lion and Lioness.

"Let the Fighting Games began!" Roared King Ovia.

Kion and Rani: A fight for freedomWhere stories live. Discover now