chapter one

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District 4

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District 4

The sun hung low in the District 4 sky, casting a warm, golden glow over the tranquil waters, and Briar Harlow could feel the impending weight of the Reaping pressing upon her. Determined to savor the simplicity of her world, like every year, she chose to spend the morning from dusk to immersed in the soothing embrace of the ocean that had always been both her sanctuary and her livelihood.

Briar's steps led her to the secluded cove where the crystalline waves met the soft, sandy shore. The rhythmic symphony of the ocean beckoned, a melody she had known since childhood. Stripping down to her swimsuit, Briar hesitated for a moment, casting a glance back at the familiar silhouette of District 4 against the horizon. With a deep breath, Briar plunged into the cool embrace of the sea. The saltwater enveloped her, carrying with it a bittersweet mix of memories and anticipations.

As she swam, the water became a temporary escape from the impending doom, a brief reprieve from the inevitable chaos that awaited in the Reaping Square. Minutes passed, a splashing sound disturbed her peace. Brady appeared walking to the edge of the shore, wearing his usual at home attire.

"Ah, I knew I'd find you here" He said whilst splashing her some water, stopping knees deep.

"You disturbed my peaceful morning, Brother. Why don't you go ahead and get ready first" Briar stated. "I promise I won't lock myself in my room like last year's reaping"

Brady chuckled, remembering what had happened last year. "That's not why I'm here" a long pause took place as Brandy took a deep breath. "I'm scared with what may happen, I'm scared for both of us. I have a bad feeling about this year"

Now that is the thing that has been keeping Briar up all night. The thought of actually being chosen for the reaping was terrifying to say the least but the thought of her 13 year old brother getting chosen for the reaping instead has made her even more terrified. She felt lucky that she's never been chosen before and that this year is her last year but still Reaping Day will always make her feel somewhat anxious.

She stayed quiet, not knowing what to say, only silently nodding while looking over at the sea.

"Nothing will happen to you, I promise." Briar said while looking over at her brother and giving him a soft smile.


As the afternoon descended, Briar and her brother made their way to the Reaping Square, joining the gathering crowd.

Just before they got separated, they shared one quick hug and Briar whispered that everything will be okay and that she promised to take him out to their beach house after the reaping. Just like they used to, with their father

Briar Harlow stood among the assembled crowd, her chestnut hair gently tousled by the breeze. The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm glow over the scene, betraying the gravity of the impending moment.

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