chapter three

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The night before Briar's arrival at the Capitol, Coriolanus found himself in his cousin, Tigris's room, seeking advice

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The night before Briar's arrival at the Capitol, Coriolanus found himself in his cousin, Tigris's room, seeking advice.

"Coryo, these tributes are thrust into a world unlike anything they've ever known. It's a daunting experience. A kind gesture from you could make all the difference." said Tigris wisely. Coriolanus, usually adept at masking his emotions, considered Tigris's words. "What should I do Tigris? I don't even know what kind gestures you're referring to"

"Welcome her, make her feel seen. They're not just pawns, they're players in this grand drama. A touch of humanity might serve you well." she stated. Coriolanus, though initially reserved, recognized the wisdom in Tigris's counsel.

The night unfolded with Tigris's advice lingering in Coriolanus's mind. As the tributes train arrived the next day, Coriolanus, usually reserved and calculated, decided to take Tigris's words to heart.


The following day, as Coriolanus and his classmate, Sejanus Plinth decided to go to the zoo to give each of their tributes food. They couldn't help but notice the massive crowd that's forming in front of the zoo where the tributes were being held.

In Coriolanus's hands were sandwiches and biscuits wrapped in a napkin. Briar, with a mixture of curiosity and wariness, met his gaze as he approached the fence.

"I promised you food, didn't I?" Coriolanus said teasingly. Briar, a flicker of surprise in her eyes, nodded. "You did, what's this?" she asked.

Coriolanus, offering the napkin to Briar, replied with a faint smile. She accepted the napkin as she couldn't hide the subtle appreciation in her expression. When her smile slowly dropped, he knew something was wrong.

"I never thought I'd see the day when a Capitol mentor brings tribute real food." Briar said suddenly becoming wary of Coriolanus's possible motive.

Coriolanus cerulean eyes meeting hers, responded with a hint of sincerity. "It's a gesture of goodwill, Briar. And also I thought we both agreed to work together on this."

Briar took a deep breath before responding, "Just that, I heard that you'd get a prize out of this and it made me think that what you're doing is not genuine, Coriolanus" Briar said with a hint of suspicion in her voice.

"Briar, I promise you that I'm doing this to ensure you'll get home safely. I wouldn't do all of this for just some prize but I genuinely do sympathize with you" He stated then he promptly reached for her hand and continued, "And please call me Coryo" He said making her scoffed lightly and laugh.

"Thank you Coryo, I trust you"

Coriolanus, with a softness in his expression, couldn't help himself but reached through the bars to gently cup Briar's face. His thumb traced a comforting path along her cheek, a gesture of reassurance and Briar couldn't help but lean into his touch. They both maintained eye contact as Coryo offered a smile. "Probably in different circumstances, our paths might have crossed in a less challenging way."

"I wish I could have met you under different circumstances, Coryo." Briar, her voice carrying a note of sadness, responded. Coriolanus then quickly retracted his hand, just then realizing they were surrounded by the Capitol citizens. They then continued talking about their lives as he told her a story of Young Coriolanus and she told him all about her life back in District 4, about her brother and how she likes to spend her summer and holidays at the beach house with her brother and friends all while they shared the food.

Soon, Coryo left the zoo and surprisingly felt a tingly feeling, like an electric zing ran through his body everytime he thinks of Her. Briar Harlow. His tribute.


As the night came, Coriolanus ate dinner with Tigris and Grandma'am back at the apartment. "I just can't fathom how they must be feeling right now, feeling all alone and isolated" Tigris said, poking at her food.

"Well they're all rebels, Tigris. They're like animals, they need to be tamed. Just like that girl, who killed your friend this afternoon. Oh thank goodness you weren't there, Coriolanus" Grandma'am exclaimed.

"Arachne is barely a friend Grandma'am, and from what I've heard, she got what was coming for her with the way she provoked her tribute." Coriolanus said.

"Oh Coryo, don't be so naive. You should also be careful with your tribute. She seems like the type that needs to be tamed in some way." Grandma'am responded.

Coryo wanted to defend Briar's name but again it will be of no use. Coryo didn't care what Grandma'am nor what the whole Capitol would say about Briar. He couldn't care less because he felt like he knows her well enough now to know that she's no animal.

Finishing his dinner faster, Coriolanus then went to his room to finalize his proposal that he'll be giving to Dr Gaul in the morning.


The next day, is where all the tributes get a chance for a preview of the arena and talk strategies with each of their mentors. As the tributes were individually cuffed for the mentor sessions, Coriolanus began discussing strategies with Briar. Coriolanus, leaned in as he spoke with Briar.

"Briar, the arena will demand adaptability and resilience. Trust your instincts, but also be aware of the alliances forming around you. The Capitol audience loves a good show, and teamwork can sometimes be more strategic than going going alone but I also don't really trust the other tributes here to form an alliance with you so you have to be wise choosing who you might want to work with" Coriolanus explained.

Briar, her eyes reflecting a mixture of determination and defiance, listened intently. "Okay well I'm not one to trust easily, especially in this place. But I get what you're saying." Briar replied. Coriolanus, continuing his guidance, maintained eye contact with Briar.

A few moments passed before both Coriolanus and his fellow classmate Clemensia Dovecote were called by Dean Casca Highbottom, leaving their tributes. Briar heard the dean ushered something about how they were both summoned by Dr Gaul.

Sorry for the long update but i promise that i will finish this book! Please share ur thoughts and and vote

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