chapter four

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As the tributes and mentors gathered for the preview of the arena, anticipation hung thick in the air

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As the tributes and mentors gathered for the preview of the arena, anticipation hung thick in the air. Standing in line in front of the arena's entrance, Briar scanned around for Coriolanus since she's alone and not like the others whose mentors are standing right next to them. Coriolanus Snow, was notably absent, causing speculation among the onlookers.

A hushed murmur swept through the tributes as Coriolanus finally appeared, breathless and disheveled, rushing toward Briar's side. "I apologize for the delay. Dr Gaul summoned me at the last moment."

Briar, expression a mix of confusion and concern, observed Coriolanus closely. She then realized he came back to the arena alone, making Briar wonder where his friend went. Though skeptical, Briar nodded in acknowledgment. The tributes were then led into the arena for the preview.

Within a few minutes, they walked closer to passing through those rotating bars and into the arena. "Enjoy the show!" was heard as they pass the bars. Coriolanus, felt a subtle shift in his demeanor as he walked alongside Briar. The weight of the impending Hunger Games pressed upon them. In a moment of unspoken connection, their hands found each other, fingers intertwining as they navigated the arena.

They continued walking and as the camera crew directed their attention to Coriolanus and Briar, capturing the unscripted connection, a subtle tension filled the air. Coriolanus, aware of the Capitol's scrutiny, reluctantly released Briar's hand as the camera zoomed in on them.

The act, intended to preserve the Capitol's narrative of control, left Briar with a fleeting sense of sadness. Briar, though momentarily disheartened, didn't let the disappointment linger.

The door shut behind them, the sound causing them to jolt. Coriolanus looked around the arena, just realizing how small the arena actually is.

"Welcome to the arena for the 10th Annual Hunger Games. Tributes, Mentors, you have 15 minutes to survey the space and discuss strategies." A voice announces over the intercom. In the midst of the preview, Coriolanus and Briar found themselves strategically positioned, discussing potential strategies as they were looking around in the confines of the arena.

"Briar, we need to consider alliances strategically. Maybe Reaper or Lamina cou-"

Before Coriolanus could finish his sentence, a sudden explosion reverberated through the arena. Boom

The ground shook, and a plume of smoke billowed into the air. The tributes and mentors, caught off guard, instinctively sought cover. Then another explosion came, then another and another. The explosion so loud, they couldn't hear anything afterwards.

Before either of them could react, a large section of the arena's architecture collapsed, trapping Coriolanus beneath the debris. Briar, instinctively shielding herself, watched in horror as the structures fell upon him.

"Coryo!" Briar shouted and despite the danger surrounding her, Briar rushed toward the fallen debris, her adrenaline-fueled strength cutting through. With a surge of determination, she began to lift the heavy fragments, desperately trying to free Coriolanus. Despite battered by the impact but he still felt Briar's efforts to rescue him. "Briar, you need to go." muttered Coriolanus weakly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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