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 As Winter was going to turn back his mind processed what soul had said. "Wait..... that dragon, Soul, he said he killed my companions.... where are the others?" Qibli looked startled as he realized this as well. "I don't know.... I just heard the boom and came to see you fighting and those ghostly dragons" Moon started to look panicked, "We have to find them!" Winter looked skeptical though, "I don't think he was talking about the others" Moon looked surprised," Why ever would you say that?!?" Winter smirked and a voice behind Moon said," Because we are right here." Moon whirled around and was over joyed to see Umber, Carnelian, Kinkajou, and Turtle standing there covered with scratches but fine nethenless. "What was that all about", Turtle asked. "What was what about?", Qibli asked. "You know that dragon that attacked why'd he seem to know who Winter was? Last I checked you never met anyone like that." Winter looked a bit uneasy at what Turtle had said. Kinkajou being the "observant" one noticed this,"You've met him before haven't you Winter?" Winter was taken aback by this question for he never met that dragon yet he still felt like he knew him. " I never met him, but I feel like I should know him." 

                                                                *Time Skip*

Winter spent so much time brainstorming and trying to remember why the name soul sounded so familiar that the other were getting worried they'd find him with a conspiracy theory board and muttering to himself. Moon being the one to check on him was more than relieved to find that that wasn't the case. "Winter?" Winter looked up from the scrolls he had been reading and looked at Moon. "Hey", he sighed, "How are you doing?" "Lonely without you that's all i know", Moon replied with a bit of a chuckle. Moon being the one to check on him was more than relieved to find that that wasn't the case. Moon being the one to check on him was more than relieved to find that that wasn't the case. "Winter?" Winter looked up from the scrolls he had been reading and looked at Moon. "Hey", he sighed, "How are you doing?" "Lonely without you that's all i know", Moon replied with a bit of a chuckle. Winter smiled and got up from his seat. He wrapped his wings around Moon and nuzzled her cheek. "I'm sorry I've been so distant lately. I've been trying to figure out who Soul is and why he knows me. But I don't want to neglect you. You're the most important thing in my life." He said softly.

Moon felt a surge of warmth and happiness. She hugged Winter back and kissed his snout. "I love you, Winter. And I'm proud of you for being so brave and curious. But you don't have to do this alone. We're a team, remember? Maybe we can find some clues together. Or maybe we can ask someone who knows more about magic and past lives. Like Whiplash."Winter nodded, intrigued. He had heard of Whiplash, the Razorwing who lived in Jade Mountain. He was a rare and powerful Dragon. It was said in the rumors that he could shoot out some scales in his tail as if they were throwing knives, and they would regenerate immediately and also that he could also shoot out lightning instead of fire, which must make him a formidable fighter (Right?). He was the self-assigned protector of Sunny. He was also a scholar and a historian, who had studied the ancient scrolls and legends of all the tribes because he thought it was the only way to honor his father figure Osprey."That's a good idea, Moon. Whiplash might know something. He's a wise and knowledgeable dragon. And he's a friend of Sunny, so he must be trustworthy." He said.Moon smiled, pleased. She was curious about Soul too, and why he seemed to know Winter. "Let's go then." She said, taking his talon. "Maybe we'll find out something new.They left the Winter's room and headed to the Dragonets of destiny's rooms, where Whiplash resided.  In their haste though they failed to notice the shadowy figure that followed them from a distance, watching their every move. "You can't escape me, Winterguard. You can't hide from your destiny. You belong to me. And soon, you will remember. Soon, you will pay,  but for now you'll play right into my claws where even the mighty Whiplash will be powerless and my lord will have his revenge!"

The War for the Storyverse Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now