Prologue: A Defect is Born

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(3rd pov)

Somewhere in the middle of the forest, all magical creatures, including the guardians, gathered around the Mother Tree to see the birth of a God.

The Mother Tree was glowing as a small, floating light forming in front of it. The light got brighter, and everyone covered their eyes until the light died down.

Once the light dimmed, it was replaced by a small baby wrapped in a giant glowing leaf. And the baby is now slowly floating down. One of the guardians came up and raised his arms as the baby was gently laid on his arms.

Everybody gathered around him to see the baby peacefully sleeping in his arms. The one holding the
baby is the Silver Spider, Ginumo.

 The one holding the baby is the Silver Spider, Ginumo

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"Hehe, aren't you a cute one." Ginumo said, giggling. "Look at those chubby cheeks, I wanna squish 'em!" Murasune, the Purple Fox said, cooing at the baby.

 "Look at those chubby cheeks, I wanna squish 'em!" Murasune, the Purple Fox said, cooing at the baby

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"Can't wait to spoil him!" Kisagi, the Yellow Rabbit, said. The baby slowly opened his eyes, and it appeared to have no color.

 The baby slowly opened his eyes, and it appeared to have no color

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"Hmm, his eyes, it appears that he's blind." Midoruma, the Green Horse, said, observing the baby. This got everyone's attention. "Really? Then he can't see us?" One of magical creatures said, in a sad tone. "That's not all. He can't even hear us, too, every time we talk." Midoruma said.

" Midoruma said

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The Defective God (Twisted Wonderland x Seme! Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now