Prologue: Welcome to the Villain's World

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(3rd pov)

(M/n) opened his eyes and, as expected, nothing. But he did feel vibrations, and from what he can tell, he's inside of some kind of box, and something or someone's inside with him.

"I better hurry up and find a uniform before someone spots me...Urgggh... This lid weighs a ton!" Someone said, trying to open the lid that they're kept in.

(M/n) can tell it's trying to open the lid of the box they're in. With his strength, he punched the lid opened, and both of you came out. "Yes! Freedom!" It cheered. "Now to grab the goods... What?! You ain't supposed to be awake!" It shouted in panic.

(M/n) didn't mind the talking cat creature as he used the vibrations to look around. He tilted his head in confusion when he noticed floating coffins around the room. He doesn't know where he is, but he knows that he's in a different world.

"Oi! Are you even listening to me!? You got a lotta nerve ignoring me, human! The name's Grim. Believe me, you won't forge- Hey! Where did you go?!" Grim shouted as he noticed that (M/n)'s not there anymore.

(M/n) wandered outside and explored around the building. He explored the hallways, took a peek inside a few rooms, and then he wandered into the library. (M/n) can guess that he's in some kind of school, but he doesn't understand is that why is he in a school.

(M/n)'s thoughts were cut off when he felt a heat sensation coming towards him, and he dodged it. "Foolish human! Did you really think you could slip away from ME?!" Grim said, grinning.

"Now, unless you wanna get burned to a crisp, take off that-" Grim was cut off when he was tackled to the ground. "Like hell you will!" Grim looked up to see a red cat on top of him. "What's the meaning of this?! Release me!" Grim shouted.

"No one has the right to see (M/n)-sama naked except me!" (M/n) noticed another one, but he knew who it was, and it was none other than Akaneko in his cat form. He went and picked up Akaneko and carried him in his arms.

"(M/n)-sama, I'm glad you're okay! I came into your room to cuddle you, but you're not there. And I immediately followed your scent here!" Akaneko said, nuzzling his face into (M/n)'s huge chest.

"Grrr... You little... I'm gonna teach you a lesson for picking a fight with me! Now, taste my fla-" Grim was again cut off by being wrapped in some kind of whip. "Me-YEOW! That hurt! What gives?" Grim said.

"Consider it tough love." Everyone turned their heads at the newcomer, which is a man with a top hat, wearing a cloak on his shoulders, and a crow mask. The man was surprised how tall (M/n) is, but he has to focus on his job.

"Ah, I've found you at last. Splendid. I trust you're one of this year's new students? My, were you ever eager to make your debut. And bringing one of your poorly trained familiars with you? Even though one of them is well-behaved, that's a clear violation of the school rules." The man said.

"As if I'd serve some lowly human! Now lemme go!" Grim said, struggling to free himself. "Don't talk about (M/n)-sama like that! And he's not ours, crow man!" Akaneko said angrily.

"Yes, yes. Rebellious familiar always say that. Do be quiet for a bit, won't you?"  The man said, ignoring what Akaneko just said, silencing Grim. "Dear me. Of all the students I've dealt with, you're the first with temerity enough to open their own gate and step out of it. *sigh* Does the very notion of patience elude you?" He said, crossing his arms and shaking his head.

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