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    "Hey, it is nice to finally meet you Felix," Lia said.

   Felix smiled a little, "It is nice to meet you too,"

  "So, I didn't know if you had any places lined up or not, so I called a friend, her name is Yuna and she works in a real estate agency. Well, she took a little look and found a few places in a reasonable price range in the area you wanted. She said she show us them if you'd like,"

The younger nodded, "That would be great. I honestly forgot about looking at places beforehand,"

   Lia smiled, "Well, it is all good. I'll call up Yuna as we go to the car,"

   Felix nodded.


  "Hey, guys!" Yuna greeted the two.

   "Hey, darling," Lia greeted.

  "Hi," Felix said with a small wave.

  "Ah, you must be Felix, Lia has told me so much about you. It is a pleasure to meet you I am Yuna Shin,"

   "It is nice to meet you too,"

   "Okay, well, come with me. The first place we are looking at is studio apartment. Lia didn't mention if you were renting or buying, so I found places that you either rent or buy," Yuna said.

   "Uhm, I am up for either," Felix told her.

    The three got into the elevator.

  "So, Felix, Hyunjin has never mentioned  family when it comes to you, do you have any siblings?" Lia asked.

   Felix nodded.

  "Two sisters, one younger, the other older. They are both in Australia,"

   "Oh, did you visit them while there?"

  "Yeah, I saw my whole family, which was great," Felix said.

   "I bet Sam had fun, he isn't one to want to meet the family. He's more of the get in the backseat, hop in the closet type guy," Lia said.

  Felix pursed his lips and nodded, "He, uhm, didn't come with me,"

   The older nodded and stepped out of the elevator, "For as long as I've known Sam he's never been one to meet parents or do relationships, but with you it is different,"

   "How long have you known the Hwang siblings?" Felix asked.

  "I've known Sam and Yeji since year eight, by that point Hyunjin started his modelling and acting career, I didn't really meet him until my interview with him," she explained.

   Yuna stopped walking and unlocked the door in front of them, "I remember when it happened, Lia could not stop talking about the book for Hyunjin's movie, 'Debate Team', she loves it," the younger said.

  Felix was ready to hide in a hole.

   "Anyways, Sam has always been the one to just want it to be a sex situation and from what Yeji told me Hyunjin has always been thr hopeless romantic," Lia told Felix.

   "Doesn't help that he plays lead roles in romance movies," Yuna stated.

   Felix nodded.

   "Okay, so this is the studio apartment. I talked to the person who owns it, they are willing to sell if the offer is good which would be around 95 given the area and the building, it may be less of there are issues. If you just want to rent it would be 980 a month,"

   "This looks better than my first place," Lia said with a small laugh.

  Felix chuckled, "Mine too,"

   "Definitely not better than Hyunjin's place though,"

   "That's because Hyunjin and you live in a penthouse," Yuna said.

   "Oh, you and Hyunjin live together?" Felix asked.

  "Mm, kind of, I mean we are both travelling for work so it is hard to say we live together when whe haven't been sleeping under the same roof for two months. Which it is odd to me why Sam didn't just ask you to live with him, he owns a penthouse in the same building,"

   Felix bit his lip and blinked a couple times. The small action not going unnoticed by the two women.

   "Felix is everything okay?"

  Felix took a deep breath, "Yeah, uhm, things just didn't really work out with Sam and I. Like you said, he isn't the relationship guy,"

  "Oh, Felix... is that why you came back early?" Lia asked.

  "Kind of. We didn't have anything stable, so staying in the same place with him alone was a little awkward, but also I had to do this and deal with something with med school," Felix said.

   Lia pursed her lips.


Did you know about Felix and Sam?

What about them?

Felix came back early because it was awkward between them, because they don't have anything really stable, but like it seems like more than that
I'm just curious if you knew anything

I don't know anything
Is Felix okay?

He cried a little
But he is fine
You should check up on Sam

I'll talk to you later
Love you

Love you too


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