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Once Zoya wrapped the string around, she made a wish in her head then walked off out of the mosque. After a few minutes Tiger also left the mosque with a new white plain shirt some man gave him

Everyone at Zoya's house was waiting for zoya but since she took a very long time the guests left and the grooms family didn't like the situation. Imran's mother started to speak out to Zoya's grandmother

Najma: What is going on Mrs. Dilshad, where is zoya

Dilshad: I don't know but all I know is that I trust my granddaughter she will never do anything that will embarrass us

Najma: She embarrassed her future in laws though, zoya is going to be my sons bride she can't go out anytime she wants specially during her henna, we have customs and traditions that we follow

Najma's sister: The bride didn't look happy at all during any of our pre wedding customs does she not want to marry my nephew imran?

Dilshad: No please

Zoya's grandmother Dilshad put her hands together

Dilshad: I know Zoya very well she wouldn't go against my word she wants to marry imran

Najmas sister: then where has she been it's past sunset now, look I'm telling you right now Mrs. Dilshad your granddaughter is in love with another man

Everyone in the room appeared shocked at what the grooms aunt had said

Haya: my sister isn't like that

Dilshad told Haya to be quiet

Najma: we are a very respectable family in this neighborhood we can't allow anyone to blacken our family name. We agreed that zoya will become our bride but before the wedding even happens the bride ran away with another man?!

Dilshad begged them to not speak one more word about Zoya

Najmas sister: let's go sister this family isn't suitable for us they will only bring us bad luck and blacken our name with their behavior

Dilshad: No please don't leave, here if a man leaves the women the womens name will be blackened and nobody will want to marry her ever again. Please don't do this to my granddaughter she will never do anything bad I know her I raised her

As Dilshad was begging them not to leave Najma and her side of the women of the family had already left, and Haya was stopping her grandmother who was following them and begging them not to leave

Dilshad: Zoya what did you do my girl why did you leave. Now everyone will talk badly about you if this marriage doesn't happen

Both Dilshad and Haya started crying
An hour later Zoya came home

Zoya: Why are the lights off? It's too early to go to sleep? Haya...nana

Zoya went to the living room then Haya approached her from behind. Haya put her hand on zoya's shoulder zoya jumped

Zoya: you scared me

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