Chapter 4

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Josh and James were on their way to James' house so James could change before the party. Josh was driving and James was panicking in the passenger seat. Can you blame him though? James has never been to a party before, but he knew they were bad news. They have alcohol, weed, and all the bad things. James also knows that Oscar will be there. Along with all the other football players.
    When they finally arrived at James' house, James jogged his way inside. Hoping his sister hadn't gotten home yet. He ran up the stairs to his room, going inside and closing the door. He looked for his clothes, not knowing what people usually wore at parties. He decided on his oversized blue ripped jeans, lime colored converse, and a loose white and green striped sweater.
    After changing, he left his room and ran down the stairs before speeding to the door. He exited the house, locking it. The blonde looked towards Joshs' car, it looked rather expensive. It was clean, shiny, and very blue. Like the ocean. He walked towards the car and opened the passenger door, sitting inside. Josh looked over at him, before doing a double take, and looking James up and down in awe. "You look... good," Josh said, looking surprised. "Thanks. Can we go now?" James replied. Josh nodded and started the car, beginning to drive.

    When they got to the party 15 minutes later, it had just barely started, and only a few people were there. They went inside, and saw the football team and the popular girls all standing around. Talking and waiting for more people to arrive. As James and Josh entered the house, everyone went silent. Staring at them. To be fair, it was a pretty odd sight, James Fazzio at a party, arriving with Josh McChad the quarterback. Neither James nor Josh could blame them for being surprised, but it was a bit irritating.
    After a few seconds of James and Josh walking in, everybody started to slowly resettle back in. Except Oscar, who was very intently staring at James, watching his every move. James had to say, he was very uncomfortable with this, but he decided not to voice that opinion.
     Slowly, more and more people started to arrive as the sun began to set. Music began to play, drinks and food were put out, and it started to look a lot more like a highschool party now. James saw someone just a little bit taller than him walk up to him. James recognized him as Lucas Brown, the cornerback on the football team. "Y'know, I didn't actually expect you to come to be honest," Lucas said, holding a cup, "from what i've heard, you don't seem like a party guy,"
James shrugged at that, mumbling, "I'm not" That seemed to end their short-lived conversation, as they sat there in silence.
    A few minutes later, Katie appeared in front of the couch, "Hi Lucas!" She said in a condescending and sickeningly sweet voice, "Me, my friends, and the guys are going to another room to play spin the bottle." You see, James hated katie. It wasn't for any good reason, she was just a bit of a bitch. She was manipulative, self centered, arrogant, narcissistic, and a fucking liar. So when she looked over at him, and said, "oh. Josh wants you to come too." in the most unenthusiastic voice ever, he wasn't happy. It's not like he was going to yell at her or something, she just gave him the ick.
    Apparently, Lucas didn't have the same feelings though, because he said, "sure! That sounds fun!" he got up, smiling at Katie. James was hesitant, but he also got up, staring at the floor. They all walked to another room, seeing the football players. Along with Iris and Evelyn, sitting in a circle. Lucas, James and Katie went to the empty space in the circle and sat down.
"I assume you all know how to play?" Oscar guessed, looking at Katie, Lucas and James. "Of Course we do, except for James though. I'm guessing this isn't your setting?" Katie asked, directing the question at James as everyone looked at him. "Of course I know how to play, I'm not an idiot," James said, rolling his eyes.
    "Then you can go first," Oscar glared, rolling the bottle over to James. James caught the bottle and crawled to the middle of the circle, he placed it down and spun it. As he scooted back, he watched it spin. As it slowed down, everyone was quiet. It. landed. On. Oscar. Everyone was silent as they stared at James and Oscar. Slowly, James got up and walked over to Oscar. He sat down in front of him and Oscar grabbed his waist. Their faces slowly moved closer as they touched. James quickly pulled away and sat back down in his spot.
    Josh watched as James and Oscar kissed. He didn't know why, but deep down inside he felt a small twinge of jealousy. He'd never admit it of course, not even to himself. Because there's no way he likes James. He barely knows the guy, and he has a girlfriend. Josh would never hurt Katie like that, he loves her.
    The bottle was passed around as people continued playing and drinking. Lucas had just gone and landed on Elijah, who was still flustered. People were starting to leave the game now, as it got later. At around 10:30, the game was fully wrapped up and only James and Josh were in the room. They were both very intoxicated and sitting beside each other on the couch. "You're really pretty James," Josh muttered, looking tired. James looked up and Josh, "thank you," he said quietly. Their faces got closer as their lips interlocked, James putting his arms on Joshs' shoulders and Josh pulling James onto his lap.
    They pulled away to breath before continuing. They were all over each other for about 3 minutes, kissing, pulling, shoving. Until, someone walked in. They pulled away to look at the door. It was Katie. She gasped and ran away from the door, looking furious.
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