Chapter 6

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James is currently sitting in the principal's office at Mr Rokkes desk with Oscar sitting beside him. It was all a misunderstanding, and he definitely shouldn't be here.

To recap: it was Thursday now, after school. 3 days since Katies party. He had just finished helping Mrs Shanley with a song she was working on. He was at his locker, collecting his stuff before he could begin walking home. "Hey, cutie," James heard from behind him. He turned around to face Oscar, looking at him with a smirk. "Don't call me that Oscar." James muttered as he began to walk away.
Not even a second later, James was pulled back by the wrist roughly and pushed against the wall. "I know what happened between you and Josh." Oscar said, getting straight to the point as he glared down at James. "And? What does it matter? We aren't together anymore, I can do what I want," James replied, glaring right back up at Oscar. The asshole deserved it to be honest. They had broken up months ago, and James was glad they did. Oscar was a fucking narcissist, and he was obsessed with James.
"I don't want you to be with anyone else." Oscar crossed his arms as the smaller rolled his eyes. The blonde replied, "You aren't the fucking boss of me." Oscar looks at James with that fake sympathy that he always uses to get what he wants. "Y'know I only do it because I love you right..? Josh is... a lot. You know I care about you, right?" James looks at Oscar as he speaks in a sickeningly condescending tone. "You're full of shit. You just dated me because you wanted someone to boost your ego!" James scowled.
    Oscar rolled his eyes as he went back to a sour expression, "I said I was sorry. What more do you want from me?" James scoffed at Oscar's reply, "You said you were sorry and you never changed! I don't owe you a second chance!" The taller boy scowled, "stop living in the past. Ugh you were always such a bitch," Everything was coming back to him, the lies, the blaming, the possessiveness. James was absolutely done with Oscar.
In a moment of pure spite, James isn't entirely proud of what he did. He had slapped Oscar. Right after the slap, there was a shout, "Boys! In my office. Now."

And that's how James ended up in this precarious predicament. His back aching from being shoved against the lockers, it wasn't the first time this had happened of course. But this is the first time they had ended up in the principal's office over a fight. Mr Rokke had obviously called their parents. So James' Mom and dad were on the way, along with Oscar's dad. They still weren't here though so it was awkwardly silent.
Right now, Mr Rokke was typing something up on his computer, Oscar was on his phone doing who knows what, and James was scrolling TikTok. James was watching someone make fun of the old 'choose your character' trend on tiktok. In the middle of the video, the door to Mr Rokkes office opened. In walked James Mom and Dad. James' dad looked worried sick, and James' mom looked confused. Oscar's dad walked in after them, looking annoyed. James had never liked Oscar's dad, the man let Oscar get away with anything, and have anything he wanted.
"Hello, Mr and Mrs Fazzio. Hello Mr Ramirez. You might be wondering why I asked you here; it's because I saw your sons fighting in the halls after school today" Mr Rokke looked over at them all. James' parents gasped as Oscar's dad just rolled his eyes.
"Don't overcredit him. He hits like a bitch," Oscar scoffed, glaring at James. James glared right back, "Your one to talk, you've been whining like a pussy about our break up for weeks. Get over it," "oh, Im the p-" "BOYS!" Mr Rokke yelled and both Oscar and James looked over at him, shocked. The principal sighs and looks back over at the boy's parents, "anyways, i've brought you here to discuss proper punishment. They are both good students, though Oscars record isn't as clean as James's. I was thinking detention, 2 nights a week for 3 weeks. How does that sound?"
James' parents nodded "yes," and Oscar's dad shrugged it off. So it was decided. James now had to spend 2 days a week of after school detention, with his narcissistic ashhole ex, for almost a month. How exciting.
    The car ride home is hella awkward. Elizas on her phone, and there's pop music on the radio, but no ones talking. Not a word. Apparently, Eliza had gotten in trouble today too. It's more common for her than for James, but still uncommon. The older didn't know what happened, but he knew that their parents were pissed about it.
    When they got home, they were both told to go to their rooms pretty quickly. James didn't mind that because he had an essay to work on anyways. He took out his laptop, it's still covered in stickers from the last time Justin came over. A bunch of cartoon and sanrio stickers, Justin liked cartoons so he just had a bunch of stickers. James preferred horror himself, but cartoons weren't too bad.
He opened up his laptop and began working on his essay, forgetting about today's events and calmly putting his mind into his work.
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⏰ Última actualización: Jan 26 ⏰

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