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After my breakfast of an omelet, I decided I would talk to Iris about everything. I had been scared to do so before, but time was important here. I needed to regroup with everyone soon, and to do that I would need as much information as possible. Information including a map of where I was and where I needed to be. I wasn't the smartest person ever, but I had instinct. My instinct was telling me I would die in the woods around the house if I didn't know my way in and out. In addition, I needed suitable clothes and my backpack. I will look for them later.

Right now I was focused on Iris, who was cleaning up the dishes. Once he was finished he made his way over to the table, as if he had been anticipating this talk.

"Are you ready to talk about everything now?" His words held a certain weight to them, and I felt that this talk would be very serious.

I only nodded, feeling my throat tighten.

He interlaced his fingers on the table. "What would you like to know about this dimension?"

"Dimension?" I mutter it, feeling how strange it sounds to finally address this place.

"You may have noticed that the place we are now looks identical to your world, except for a few key components."

I think back to the way the atmosphere feels, the puppet that chased me and everyone else, and the most recent edition, that the sun never rose nor set, because it did not exist here. With all of those things, I wasn't sure if this "dimension" as Iris had called it, could get any worse. Of course I was well known for being in the wrong.

"For one, this world only contains two people at this moment. Me and you." He gestures between us to emphasize his words, serious as they are, his tone is light. Like the gravity of what he just said isn't heavier than all the stress in the world.

Before, something had told me that there weren't any people here, but for some reason I still had hope. At least I did after I met iris. I thought that there would be no way that just one person could be here...but now what? How would anyone be saved? I feel a huge weight on my shoulders become apparent as my body sinks into the hard wooden chair. My face must have dropped from its usual neutral expression, because Iris becomes visibly worried and comforts me.

"I know I don't seem like much but I promise I am capable of helping you. I know my way around and I will never under any circumstances allow you to get hurt. You just have to remain at my side and listen to everything I tell you, alright?"

I nod my head without thinking much. Of course he must be capable if he has survived this long, but at the same time that just makes him more suspicious. Should he ever decide to turn against me or my group we could very well be killed by him. At the same time...if I can't find a map and get out of here...I am going to need him. I will have no choice but to tell him about the group.

He frowns at my minimal response, but continues anyway.

"Two, this world is a mirror to your own. Well, to be more precise it is a one way mirror. The things done in your world affect this world. However, the things done in this world have little effect on yours."

I feel confusion set in at his explanation, I understood it slightly, but needed more information. Luckily, Iris catches on to this.

He hums, trying to come up with a way to help me better understand, before he seems to arrive at a solution. "Let's say that there is a certain grocery store in your world that is out of a certain item. For this example, it will be water bottles. The mirroring store in this world will also not have any water bottles. However, if the store in your world is restocked, this store in this world will also be restocked. On the contrary, if all of the water bottles are taken from the mirroring store by me, it will not show in your world's store."

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