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Travel today was hard. I rub my throbbing feet carefully, their unusual heat doing nothing but increasing my pain. I don't even want to look at my ankle. It's bothering me the most, and if I looked at it, I'm sure it'd be the size of a small tree. What I wouldn't do for some pain killer. I sigh, sitting upright, pushing my feet out and laying back down from my balled up sitting position. The sleeping bag underneath me isn't completely comfortable, but at least it's not the sheets the boys had to settle for.

The boys were strangely quiet today. Not that they are loud all the time, but they at least strike up conversation a little more than they did today. Especially Iris. He's the one who makes conversation between most of us, but today he didn't. I had tried talking to him instead, and he did talk back to me, but the conversation would eventually die out. I could tell he was distracted. I wonder if something is wrong. Was it the shadow that Shiloh saw? Did it mean something? It didn't harm Shiloh, but maybe he still feels bad about it. I really can't imagine the pressure Iris carries around with him, knowing that he has to keep all of us safe. I'll have to thank him tomorrow, and to him some more too.

My eyes close, and I relax, having organized my day somewhat. I keep my thoughts quiet as I try to drift off, and after a few minutes, I'm barely conscious.







My eyes open, a tiny bit and my face screws up. What...What happened? Even though I don't want to, I push myself up into a sitting position. I squint my eyes, looking around the tent. It's too dark to see much more than basic shapes of everything around. I can just make out the outlines of the girls in their sleeping bags too. They haven't moved. I quiet my breathing as I listen for anything out of the ordinary quiet. I listen for much longer than I should. The wait causes the rumble of quiet in my ears to form into other things. Sounds that aren't there, I think. A short hum, the near silent crunch of grass, breathing.

It's only one very distinct sound that makes my heart stop.

The short whistling of fabric, as something runs against it. The fabric is familiar to me. It's the fabric of the tent.

The sound starts closest to Ashlynn, farthest to my right. The sound continues it's way ever so slowly to the front of the tent. Where the opening flap is.

I only watch in horror as the sound gets closer to the opening by the second. When the sound stops at the front of the tent, I break out of my trance and snatch one of my shoes, ready to throw it and run.


The tension in my body rises to a point where I can barely control it, but I keep my shoe raised until the front flap opens.

It finally does, but I have to stop myself from doing what I had planned. There isn't anyone there. The flap hangs open, but all I can see are the surrounding trees. I don't relax though. Something is out there, but I'm not leaving my spot. It'll have to come in and drag me out-

Suddenly, a familiar face leans down from the side. One with such a big smile it breaks my concentration. His smile only widens as I assume he sees my reaction. He waves, like we're the best of friends.

My anger spikes, and before I know it, I've sent the shoe flying. He stiffens as it hits him straight in the face. It seems to linger for a second, before dropping. He catches it before it lands on the ground outside.

"So rude. You can't even greet me nicely after I've walked all this way to see you?"

I glower at him, and mouth my next words, only hoping he can read them off my lips.

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