Prologue #1 | Satan's arrival

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Hey! Writer here. Just wanted to inform people that this story contains a major play on religious beliefs and was written by someone who couldn't give less of a fuck about religion. If you have heavy religious beliefs, I would advise not reading this, viewer discretion is advised, don't say I didn't warn ya.

Most of Christian beliefs tell you that there is only one person upstairs and that is god. This, Is incorrect. Yes, god is a real being, but no, he is not the only god up there.

There's many gods, many lords, many rulers. Some take this job a bit more seriously than others, and others.... Aren't the best at their jobs.

The dark candle lit room with a pentagram drawn on the tile floor is where this example starts. A screaming woman, bleeding out and screaming, tied down to the floor, is usually a concern, but the man looming over her, reading from an ancient tome, didn't seem to give a fuck.

As the man chanted satanic verses, the sacrifice began to lift off the ground. A large glowing light emerged and the candles all blew out.

The man smiled as he watched the sacrifice begin to convulse. Suddenly, the glowing light was blinding and a laugh could be heard. It was him, finally. The man had been waiting years, decades to finally see him.

As the light dimmed, a well dressed man with dark horns emerged from the light. "Dark lord Satan of the underworld I have summoned you." The man looked euphoric, laughing hysterically.

Satan looked around, lowering the small circle sunglasses from his eyes and completely ignoring the man, walking past him and towering over the now dead woman on the floor.

With a snap of his fingers, the woman gasped for air. She looks over at Satan, terrified for her life. This creature can kill her in a second, rip her soul from her body, steal her skeleton, take her eyes out and eat them-

"Is this guy bothering you queen?" Satan says. The woman looked confused and the man looked shocked. "What? Dark lord I summoned you-" "are you bleeding out on the floor? No I didn't think so, ergo, you did not summon me, she did" Satan gently swung his head back, pulling his shoulder length black hair behind his pointed ears.

He snaps again, her wounds being closed and healed. The chains holding her down were broken. She sat up and sighed a breath of relief as Satan lent a hand to help her up.

"Girl where are your clothes at?" It says, sighing, clicking his tongue, and giving the man a glare. "Dark lord, I summoned you- I figured out how to summon you and you have completely disregarded!-" "And my thanks go out to you, my portal closed on me a LONG time ago and me and Beelzebub have been dying again trying to reopen the gate, so thank you, but THIS." He signals to the naked sacrifice "Was just unnecessary."

"Let's go queen" he begins to walk with the sacrifice. "I'm still naked?" She says, signaling down to her bare chest and exposed privates. Satan snaps his manicured fingers and she was given a t-shirt and some sweatpants, along with sandals. "Sorry it's the best I could do."

Meet the first of many, Lord Satan of the underworld... Well, former lord. After a while of living in the underworld, Satan grew tired of the dreary land and found his way to the surface, allowing hades full control over the underworld.

Satan lives among the humans now, as a normal ordinary member of society in a loft in an expensive city. A well dressed, well kept being, she is quite literally an imposter, who is much better at their job than most.

Lord Satan, otherwise known as Lucifer, her preferred name, is a charismatic man who enjoys what most men would consider "feminine" as a normal everyday thing. They get their nails done weekly, take long spa like baths often, not to mention it has a skincare routine, that does Infact take an hour. We timed it.

Lucifer is not the man he is when you're thinking of Christian beliefs, she follows satanism, being an understanding and loving person, yes she is. I understand that it's strange hearing one thing your whole life and now being struck with something completely different. I understand that it's difficult to comprehend.

But the truth is that it's all just a play made by Gods that hate each other for no reason.

It's quite hilarious if you really think about it. But Lucifer is truly an ungodly freak of nature if you think about it from a religious side, he is pro-fun and pro-living a life you enjoy, but what do I know.

He's the first of many, and trust me, there are many more to come.

(765 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2023 ⏰

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