2.) meeting the new ladies in waiting

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"Over here!" A young girl with brown hair shouted.

"Coming! Are you sure this is it?" A girl with  ash brown hair asked.

"Hi, you must be Kerrigan and Katherine!" A guard asked. She had black hair.

"My name is Cassandra. I am the captain's assistant." Cassandra said.

"And I'm Captain Eugene." Eugene added.

"Hi! I'm Kerrigan!" The younger girl said.

"And I'm Kathrine!" The older one said.

"How old are you two?" Eugene asked.

"I'm 13!" Kerrigan said.

"I'm 15" Katherine replied.

"Ok, you two are young. Anyway, come, you two will be partners in ladies in waiting. For princess rapunzel.'" Eugene explained while walking them to their room.

"Here are your uniforms. You get blue since you guys have a specific role." Cassandra explained.

"Thanks!" The two girls said.

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