Reading sweggymathers Floppy Fanfiction

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Floppy: Hello we have another dare!

Dare: I dare floppy to read my fan fiction about him -sweggymathers

Floppy: Okay, well I have to find the story first. *searches on Wattpad for sweggymathers* Here it is! *starts reading* This is amazing! *gets popcorn and continues reading while eating popcorn*
Sweggymathers: You like my book so far, Floppy?
Floppy: Yes, it's amazing!!
Sweggymathers: Thanks, Floppy!
Floppy: Wait, how did you get in?
Sweggymathers: I teleported.
Floppy: Oh okay.
Sweggymathers: Yeah....
Floppy: Done!
Sweggymathers: How is that even possible it's been like 5 minutes!?
Floppy: I was the top Hammerhead of the class back in school.
Sweggymathers: Okay then, bye.
Floppy: Bye!

A/N: OMG this is like the only Floppy FanFiction besides mine and my friends. You (sweggymathers) probably didn't think I would take this dare literally, but it is a dare for chapter 3 so...yeah. Sorry this is a rather short chapter. Thanks so much for telling me about your FanFiction sweggy!😄

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