Sitting On Fireworks

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Floppy: Hello, it's Floppy and today we have a rather...dangerous dare.

Dare: I dare floppy to light a firework then sit on it when it goes off- Leah6603

Floppy: I need to go to the firework store first *teleports and steals 12 different fireworks and teleports back home* I just got a great deal on these fireworks...FREE! *sets up the fireworks* Now I'm ready!
Steve: WTF are you doing? Aren't fireworks illegal? (Facial Expression: 😯)
Floppy: Pshhh, no. Plus it's a dare I'm doing from the readers. (Facial Expression: 😐)
Steve: Fine. (Facial Expression 😕)
Floppy: All set up!

Firework Number 1

Floppy: This one is one of the smallest fireworks. It looks pretty on the packaging though. (Facial Expression:😀)
Steve: Floppy, you need to stop. (Facial Expression:😐)
Floppy: Oh, how bad can it be *lights firework and sits on it* (Facial Expression:😄)
Steve: FLOPPY, NO! BAD FLOPPY! (Facial Expression:😕)
Firework: *goes off*
Floppy: OOOOWWWWWWWWW!!!! (Facial Expression:😲)
Random person all the way across the world: Did anyone else hear that? (Facial Expression:😧)
Floppy: THAT HURTS! *looks at his butt* There's a hole in my butt! (Facial Expression:😯)
Steve: Told you! (Facial Expression:😋)
Floppy: I never liked you, ya know. (Facial Expression:😕)
Steve: Whatever, but ya gotta do the rest of the fireworks. (Facial Expression:😏)
Floppy: NO! I'M NOT GONNA DO THAT AGAIN!!! (Facial Expression:😫)
Steve: Well the dare only told you to do 1 firework but you took 12. I'll let you off the hook if you do 3 fireworks at LEAST. (Facial Expression:😐)
Floppy: FINE! (Facial Expression:😕)

Fireworks 2, 3, and 4

Floppy: The dare told me to SIT on A firework meaning one, so I'll ROLL on fireworks 2, 3, and 4. (Facial Expression:😐+😀)
Steve: ALL AT ONCE? (Facial Expression:😧)
Floppy: Yes. Now Steve, would you help me light the fireworks. (Facial Expression:😐)
Steve: Okay. (Facial Expression: 😐)
Floppy: *sets up fireworks and lays on them*
Steve: *Lights fireworks 2, 3, and 4*
Floppy: *rolls around on the fireworks*
Fireworks: *go off*
Floppy: *flies into the air with the fireworks*
Steve: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA (Facial Expression:😂😭)
Floppy: *screams*
Steve: HAHAHAHAHAHA, I CAN'T BREATHE!! (Facial Expression:😂😭)
Floppy: *falls back to the ground*
Steve: Floppy, are you okay?! HAHAHAHAHAHA! (Facial Expression:😂)
Floppy: NEVER. AGAIN. (Facial Expression:😠)
Steve: Since we have some fireworks left we can enjoy them. Right? (Facial Expression:😀)
Floppy: Fine. (Facial Expression:😐)
Steve and Floppy: *Light all the rest of the fireworks*
Floppy: Ooooooh pretty! (Facial Expression:😮)
Steve: They're so cool! (Facial Expression:😀)
*police car siren sounds*
Steve and Floppy: OH NO! (Facial Expression:😧)
Police Officer: Do you know why I'm here? (Facial Expression:😠)
Steve and Floppy: NO! (Facial Expression:😖)
Police Officer: You are lighting fireworks. That is illegal. (Facial Expression:😠)
Steve: *whispers to Floppy* Told ya! (Facial Expression:😏)
Floppy: *whispers to Steve* Shut up! (Facial Expression:😠)
Police Officer: *handcuffs Floppy and Steve* You're under arrest. (Facial Expression:😠)

45 minutes later

Floopy (Floppy's brother): I'm gonna bail out Steve and Floppy. How much is that?
(Facial Expression: 😐)
Person at desk of Jail: 4,500 dollars (Facial Expression:😕)
Floopy (Floppy's brother): Here. *hands person at desk Monopoly money* (Facial Expression:😐)
Person at desk of jail: Thanks. *talks into walkie talkie* Officer William. Yeah. Floppy the Hammerhead and Steve Johnson have been bailed out. Okay. Yeah. *Talks to Floopy (Floppy's brother)* They'll be here in a few minutes. (Facial Expression:😕)
Floopy (Floppy's brother): Okay, thanks. (Facial Expression:😐)

10 minutes later

Floopy (Floppy's brother): Really, Floppy. (Facial Expression:😕)
Floppy: It was for the readers. (Facial Expression:😐)
Steve: Thanks Floopy. That was very nice if you. (Facial Expression:😀)
Floopy (Floppy's brother): No problem. *teleports back to his own house*
Floppy: Well thank you Leah6603 for your dare!
Steve and Floppy: Bye!!!

I do not know the process of being bailed out of jail. Sorry if I'm wrong. It was just a guess anyways. I have decided I'm not going to write "facial expression" anymore I'll just put the emoji. Also I won't put emojis if they are not necessary. For chapter 4, how about our first question to Floppy. Thanks for reading. Bye!

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