Eli x Daniel

508 7 6

Genre: Angst slight fluff

[Daniel dead au
Eli age : 35
Yenna age : 18]


"Dad..i think i am inlove" Yenna spoke when he came home from school one day, a smile on his face as he though of Princess,her classmate that he have been crush for a month, Eli look at him before a sad smile come out of his red lips "when i was your age, i give anything to fall in love, it was all i could think about when your mother died, to find you a new mother to take care of you, so i'm gonna tell you the story of how i met your Moma, the man of my dreams, the most beautiful guy i'd ever seen.." and with that the story of how Eli met Daniel began

(Yenna call Daniel 'Moma')


Walking the hallway he saw couples walking around holding hands and giggling, he made the smile on his face as he wished for that

Walking, Eli dump into a small figure as the small figure lost balance and fall into the ground her book was around as he pick it up, Eli feel bad and help the boy, once there done, him and the boy stand up

He look at the boy face and space out for a minutes, her long lashes, red lips, ocean eye that are glowing , clear skin and her silky hair, Eli life that are full of black and white turn intu a colorfull life as the boy smiled softly into him, it was like metting an angle in real life

"Ahmm, i am sorry for bumping into you" the boy speak as for Eli was a melody that put him in reality, Eli smiled emmberesed "it's ok, i am the one that should be sorry to you"

"Oh, is that so...anyways i am Park Hyungseok but call me Daniel, it's pleasure to meet you" Daniel said as the offered a handshake that Eli accept, blushing slightly, as he feel the man soft and small hand to his, make his hearth beat faster and louder that he could hear it

"Jang Hyun but call me Eli, and it's really nice to meet you" Eli said as he shake the man soft hand slow, careful to not hurt the man sensitive hand

It was an ackward silince before Daniel decide to break it with a sentence "it's nice to meet you too but i have to go, so. um..see you, bye bye" Daniel said as he start to walk away but before he could go Eli manage to stop him

"Amhh wait..how about grab some coffee?, if you dont mind" Daniel stop before turning facing the tall-build-man before smiling sweetly "sure, i would love to"


"And with that both of us start to feel the same feeling, i start courting him and wait for a month for her answer and after 9 month of waiting he said 'yes' and we become official boyfriend's and i decide to tell you about him, in the end you both meet and he take care of you everytime, i remember you are only 3 years old back then when you both met, for a 2 years i decide to propose on him and he said 'yes' it was the best day of my life that time and i still remember you being more happyer than me because you will now have a new mother and after our wedding we bacame official family" Yenna listen to her father confused of why her father was telling him these but still listening and give her entire attention to her belove father

"Sound so wonderful Dad" Yenna said as he smile but you can see the confused into her face that are writen her entire face

"Now, sweetheart this next part is what happend to your Moma and i'm only telling you this because life can do terrible things.."


But everything good has come to an end. Something goes wrong and that thing that when wrong was the fact Daniel was dying, he know that he will not see her daugther go to collage, and it broke him more that he had no more time for her family left

Daniel told Eli when he knew he didn't have long time left, and as soon words left Daniel's lips Eli world broke

"My love, can i tell you one last thing?, i am sick and you know that, and you know that i only have one day left. Please, dont be sad. You and Yenna was the best thing that ever happend to me, i love you and Yenna, pls even i have left the word, promised me that you will take care of Yenna and your self" Daniel spoke, tears as he look at her husband, and then Daniel careless the man cheeck softly before kissing her lips

Eli watch as her wife slowly close her eye, as the moniter start to get noisy, viewing a straight line, which mean that her belove wife was not breathing, a tears fall from her eye, as the doctor's and nures rushed inside


"So do not fall inlove, there's just to much to lose. If you're given the choice, then i beg you to choose to walk away..dont let her get you. I can't bear to see the same happend to you" Eli spoke with tears running down in his eye, and hug her daughter into a thight hug as they both cry into eachother arms, more like comforting eachother


A white figure was watching from a far, as her feet was floating from the ground, tears running through her eye, as you can see the pain, guilty, and regret into her ocean blue eyes as he watch the two hug eachother and comforting eachother, he wished that he can hug the two, like he always do when he was still alive into this world, but he couldn't, for him it was just a wish and just watching them already make him happy, as long as they are happy


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DANIEL PARK HAREM ●ONE-SHOT● {repost}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu