Zack x Daniel

207 7 4

Genre: Fluff☀️


"Wake up" a voice said while Zack did't got up a slap into the face he earn

"Ahh!" The male scream as he got up and look down at her lover who is innocently smiling "why would you that?"

"You wont got up so i slap you"the reven said as he laugh, Daniel got up and kiss the male into the cheek where he was slapped

"Come on Zack, were gonna be late" Zack hum responded as he go into the bathroom to wash while Daniel was busy taking care of there breakfast

While cooking a pancake Daniel felt a heavy weight into her shoulder as a hand go down into her wrist and a kiss into her neck

"Stop, and eat you know i hate being late right"


The couple was happily walking, while the both was walking into the walkcross a person get Daniel stop from her walk, and got distracted

(I forgot what it was called)

Without nothising that it was already green light

"Daniel?" Zack said as he look around, he see Daniel into the middile of the walkcross looking at something




"Daniel!!" Zack shout as he was all wet and breathing heavily

Mira run into the room as her face was looking concerne, he hug the boy "Zack dont worry it's just a nightmare" the girl said as he careless Zack back

"Daniel, he got hit by a car!, Mira!" Zack shout as he start to cry into the girls shoulder

"Zack it was a nightmare, DANIEL DIED 1 YEARS AGO"


DANIEL PARK HAREM ●ONE-SHOT● {repost}Where stories live. Discover now