Samuel x Daniel

307 6 6

Genre: angst🌧


Daniel scoffs as he enters their House, clothes scattered all over the place, dishes unwashes as the place stunk in disgusting smell

"Samuel are you home!" The reven calls out for his husband as his eyes look into every room

The reven released a sigh as he took off his coat, hanging it as he then placed his bag and plastic bag filled with new groceries

He took the broom and swept the floor until it was all shiny clean, the male then pick up the dirty clothes, stuffing it inside the washing machine before turning it on

He then went to the sink, he rolls up his sleeves as he started washing the dishes, one by one not leaving a single dirty one

"Gosh the house look like a garbage truck..."he mumbles under his breath

The male sit into the couch as he bite his lips hoping his husband, Samuel would go home

"Where the hell is he now..."he mumble as suddenly a drunk figure stumbles inside their house, the male flinch as he look at the figure

The male sighs, samuel came home drunk again "where have you been?, i thought you stop drinking for better"

"Danielll~" the drunk male spoke as he start to kiss on the males face

"You're drunk samuel" Danisl open the bedroom door as he trow the drunk man on the soft bed "wanna kiss you" he hug and lay her self into the bed with Daniel before kissing him again

"Stop it samuel" Daniel sighs trying to push off the heavy drunk male but it was all no use, his husband is well-built and was to heavy for him

In a minute the tatto male fall asleep, as Daniel stand up and was about to leave the room when suddenly Samuel phone rang

He went forward the divice and check the caller name "BABY😍❤"

"baby?..." his hand was start to shake as he answer the call putting it into her ear "samuel jagiyaaa i miss you so much, when will you come home~?"

Out shock, the male frozen, the reven fastly ended the call as he run out of the room, tears on his eyes falling


Daniel hums as he successfully flips the pancakes, as he was about to do it again he felt weight on his shoulder and hands wrapped around his waist "good morning babe" Samuel whisper as his hands started to caress the male small waist

".....good morning" Daniel greeted back, the tatto man started to kiss him into the lips as Daniel push him away

"i-im sorry but im not jn the mood" Daniel mumbels

"What do you mean not in the mood?"

"I-i think i need to go..." Daniel rushed off ad he quitly wear his coat, the male was about to open the door when he was stopped by Samuel hard grip on his waist

"To where exactly..."


"Hahh.. of coures it's always jake, jake, jake" he pulls Daniel wrist harshly "tell me babe are you cheating on me with jake?" He ask as he stares deeply to his husbands eye

" n-no! never!" Daniel said defending herself, hissing from the tight grip "then why does it seem like it?!"

"P-please're scaring me..." Samuel chuckles darkly "scaring you?..."

"You're always going to him, running to him dont tell me you're sleeping with him too? You fucking slut!" Samuel scream full rage, his grip leaving a dark purple mark on Daniel

"You like it dont you? like getting fucked by his dick?"

"You useless, worthless piece of-" as he was about to finish his sentence Daniel cut him off "i said stop it!"

"Slut?, is that all i am to you? A slut?!, you keep wasting money on clubs, bars and other women!"

"Other woman my ass, dont compare me to you, im not a manwhore"

"Wow, so you're calling me a manwhore now?, says by you who letting girls ride your dick whenever they want!, atlest im faitful to this fucking relationship! Atlest i dont fucking cheat with any women i see on the club!, everytime i fucking arrive on this house it been nothing but a complete fucking garbage"

A tears tart to fall on Daniel blue ocean eyes "i thought you actually love me, i thought you change Samuel, but you lied, you never change, all you do is cheat on me everytime you see a fucking chance"

"Cheat on you that was a long time ago!" The tatto man yells back, trying to defend himself "hahh.. long time ago.. tell to BABY who kept calling you last night begging for you to fuck her!!"

"I feel like you only married me because of my body....on out first date you took me to a motel and fucked me, everytime we go on date all you do is being horny and fuck me"

"I wanted real love Samuel....i loved you Samuel, but maybe it's time for us to end" Daniel spoke as he removs his rings and trow it into the ground "were over"

Daniel leave behind without looking back leaving Samuel who just realise what he had did and started to cry, he cannot change Daniels mind anymore from all of this year

5 years, 5 years since they were married he was been an idiot


DANIEL PARK HAREM ●ONE-SHOT● {repost}Where stories live. Discover now