
495 14 55

Entry One

I don't really know how the fuck to start this. My therapist told me it would be good to write my feelings down on paper. Should I just be honest?

Sometimes I wish someone accidentally slips drain cleaner in my drink and I die dramatically on my bedroom floor. I want to die, but I want to die in a cool way. I don't want to die by stabbing myself with a pen.

I love how I'm saying all of this shit without even giving some background. I'm Cody Anderson and I have a long ass name.

Cody Emmett Jameson Anderson is my full name and I wish it would die in a hole :3

I hate having a long name. It's really stupid when your at the doctor or some shit and they ask you for your full legal name and I have to repeat all of that. (does no one else have to do that??)

I have a lot of secrets to keep, and it's kind cool to be able to spill them here. Like the fact that i've kissed a guy before, the fact that I'm bi. (yes i never told my parents they're homophobic assholes)

But after a while of being in denial that i was depressed, i'm starting to feel a bit better. Since the new school year is starting soon, I have the chance to start a new life as they cool dude everyone wants to be around.

Watch out ladies and dudes, the Codester is gonna make you blush like hell ;)

Damn that was cringy.

Anyway I should probably end this entry here. i'll write once the school year starts in about a week. (kill me)

—Cody Anderson :)

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