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School starts today. I told myself I was going to start this year different than the others, yet I haven't changed shit.

I was still the weird kid that sat in the back of the class writing useless things in a small black journal no one was allowed to see. No one knows how many damn times someone has asked to read it, but I obviously don't show them.

I walked into school today with the slightest bit of confidence in myself until some kid yelled across the hallway.


I rolled my eyes, and once I got to class, I pulled out my notebook.

Wednesday, Start of School
Some kid called me a twink in the hallway. I don't really give a fuck tho

I was the only one in the class, and I was happy  to finally be alone. Until someone tapped aggressively on my shoulder.

My head snapped up to look at them. It was a tall guy, standing over me.

"Is this seat taken?" He pointed to the desk next to me.

"Uh ... no?"

He slung his bag down on the floor before sitting down.

He looked me up and down. "Why are you staring?"

I just shrugged. In response, he rolled his eyes.

"I'm Noah."

"I'm Cody."

I smiled a bit at him, trying to make a decent impression. When he looked away, I quickly wrote something in my notebook.

Wednesday, Start of School
Some kid called me a twink in the hallway. I don't really give a fuck tho

There's a kid who i think his new and he sits next to me. His name is Noah.

"Are you new here?" I asked impulsively.

"No," Noah replied.

"Oh, Ive just never seen you around before."

I smiled nervously at him, and he kept glaring at me.

"Why the hell are you staring?!" He snapped.

"Oh, I was staring? Damn, I didn't even realize. I was just looking where my eyes happened to go and then you told me that and I was staring and I was like 'Oh shit, I'm staring!' Heh." I smiled nervously again.

Noah scowled a bit. "You talk too fast."

"I know."

He laughed a bit. "You're funny. I like you."


"No, not really."

My smile faded a bit. "I'm still gonna talk to you."

He scoffed again.

"You do that a lot," I observed. "You seem like you're constantly in a bitchy mood."

He glared at me, not even bothering to say a word. I'd never met this guy before and he was already a complete and total dick.

Soon, the class was over. I sat down in my next one to discover Noah was there as well.

"God damn, you're everywhere, aren't you." He laughed a bit.

"Ha, ha."

He rolled his eyes a bit. "Whatever."

And then the next class came around, Noah was there as well. And in the next one. And the next one. And the next one. It didn't take me long to realize we essentially had the same schedule.

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