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Izzy and Eva dragged me off into the backyard of the party. I didn't realize it until we'd been out here for about an hour, but Noah wasn't there.

"Where's Noah?" I asked.

"Oh shit." Eva said. "We kinda forgot him."

"Eh, whatever."

I started to feel kind of pissed. Why the hell did they just leave him? I stood up.

"Where are you going?"

"To find Noah."


"Because I'm not a total asshole who's gonna leave him alone in a place like this."

I stormed off into the house. "...Fucking pricks."

In the sea of people, it was pretty much impossible to just point one person out. I decided to ask around and see if anyone had seen him.

I walked up to some random blonde girl.

"Hey, have you see guy with long-ish hair and nerdy ass reading glasses?"

The girl gave me a confused look. "Yeah... why?"


"He was like running off somewhere, like he was looking for someone."

Probably me.

"He looked pretty panicked to be honest."


I quickly ran off around the house, pretty much running in circles for around 45 minutes. I had checked everywhere except the bathroom downstairs. I went to go open the door, but it was locked.


I heard some shuffling around, and I grew confused. I glanced the other way for a moment, then the door swung open and I was pulled inside.

I screamed a bit, but when I turned around and noticed who it was, I calmed down.


He looked as though he had been crying for hours. His face was stained with tears, and he just looked at me with a hint of anger in his eyes.

"Where the hell did you go?!" He yelled.

"Izzy and Eva dragged me off somewhere, I thought they were gonna bring you too."

"Did you guys go off and get drunk together or something?" His voice was full of hostility. It was only then I realized how blurred my vision was.

And I noticed Noah was still crying.

"So, you need like, water or something?" I asked.

"Why the hell would I need water??"

"I don't know now to comfort crying people!"

I outstretched my hand and patted his shoulder with and awkward smile. Noah sighed.

"Can we just go home? I don't wanna be here any longer." He said.

"I mean, I guess... but we don't have the car keys," I replied.

Noah smirked, pulling a set of keys from his pocket. "Eva made me keep them so she didn't lose them."

I smiled. "Let's get out of this bathroom then."

It took around 15 minutes to get through the crowd of people and out the door before we made it to the car and our phones went off.

Chat: E-SCOPE + CODY (are you happy we fixed it?)

Eva: where the fuck are you

Izzy: we need the car keys

Noah: too late

Izzy: wait what

As we started driving off, Izzy and Eva ran out from the back of the house. Izzy screamed when she saw us driving off, and Eva looked as if she was ready to stab us both.

Noah and I both started laughing, watching their horrified faces.

"They'll forgive us in a week," Noah said with a laugh. "Or maybe two, depending on how pissed they are."

After a while, we eventually made it back to Noah's house. He left the car outside in case Izzy or Eva came back to steal it. We walked upstairs into his room, the same place we were the first time we hung out. Izzy and Eva did see us cuddling, but it wasn't gay. It wasn't gay because I hadn't realized my feelings for Noah yet. So technically it's not gay.

Noah walked over and sat on his bed, motioning for me to sit next to him.

"You can borrow some of my pajamas if you want," He offered.

I shook my head. "I'll be alright."

Noah laid back on the bed, and I laid down next to him. I wrapped my arms around him and closed my eyes.

Noah let out a small laugh. "You're so cute."

My eyes shot open. "What?"

There was a pause. "I said you look like a sack of shit, fuck you."

I laughed as well. "The hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Just take it as a compliment, alright?"

I laughed again. "Alright."

I laid my head against his shoulder, closing my eyes to go to sleep. I had fully fallen asleep after around 15 minutes, and I guess Noah took advantage of that.

Because soon after I feel asleep, he laid a small kiss on my forehead.

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