🩵Minah- My Sleepy Head🩵

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Y/N's POV:

I called my girlfriend as soon as I got off work. We hadn't seen each other in a while since I was always in school and at work and she was too busy being the star dancer she is. I was so proud of her for gaining so much recognition after the show she was in.

"Hello?" she said as soon as she answered.

"Are you too busy? I just got off work and you could come over for a while if you want," I said and I heard her yawn over the phone.

"I'll be over in an hour. I have to finish this choreography before I go," she replied.

"Babe, if you are tired, we can just hang out some other day,"

"No! I miss you so much. I'll be there soon. Love you," she said before hanging up. I giggled and put my phone away.

Minah and I hadn't seen each other in exactly a week and we were both dying to see each other so It was understandable that she wanted to come over when I was free.

I cleaned up my apartment a little bit and went to cook some food. The time passed by fast and an hour was gone.

I eagerly waited for the knock on my door. When I finally heard it, I walked to open the door.

"Babe!" She said as she launched herself into my arms. She walked in and took her shoes off. She grabbed my hand and kissed my lips.

"I missed this. I missed kissing your lips so much," she said and I chuckled at her being cute. She's not the type to be cute often. She usually has this cool aura even when she's around me.

"I missed you too, Lee Minah. Come eat something. I made some food," I took her to the kitchen and gave her a plate of the food I had made. She smiled and thanked me before she started eating.

She told me about her day and how badly she's been working on new choreographies in the new studio their leader made for them. I rested my chin on my palm as I heard her talk about everything.

"Am I boring you?" She asked as she at the last spoonful.

"Absolutely not. I just love it when you get all happy when you talk about the studio and your dancing," I said and she smiled at me as she blushed slightly.

She brushed her teeth and I did the same. I went to my room and she followed behind me.  I had my laptop out as I sat on my bed.

"Do you have a lot of schoolwork?" She asked as she sat next to me.

"No, I just need to turn in some assignments and finish this essay but it will take only a second," I said and she nodded as she wrapped her arms around my torso.

I heard her talking for a while until she was completely silent. I was guessing she was trying to read my essay. I finished it and shut my laptop but when I looked at her, she was completely asleep. I laughed in silence trying not to wake her up.

I slowly adjusted my position to hug her and placed the blanket over our bodies. I could see her small pout and she breathed out and her brows slightly furrowed as the sunlight hit her face.

I used my free hand to pull the curtain close and her face relaxed a bit.

I don't know how long we stayed like this but we both ended up drifting off.


I woke up and I saw Minah still sound asleep. I sat up slowly and grabbed my phone to snap a picture of her. I looked at the time and it was already 3 o'clock. We had fallen asleep for about two hours.

I felt Minah shuffle and she sat up. She rubbed her eyes trying to get rid of the blurriness.

"What time is it?" She said.

"It's three," I replied and she rubbed her face.

"Gosh, I stayed up all night trying to put that choreo together. This is so embarrassing. I fell asleep while talking to you and we were supposed to spend time together," she said and she pushed her hair back.

"Babe, it's okay. I enjoyed napping with you. That was still spending time together. Plus, we still have time to go out on a date. How about it?" I said.

"I would love that,"

After she got washed up and changed, we headed out for some ice cream at the park. We walked hand in hand. The sun was beaming but the wind was cool and refreshing. We sat at a bench and talked about my life this time.

"So does that mean that we won't see each other again till you finish finals?" She asked with a slight pout.

"Unfortunately. I'm so sorry," I said and she nodded.

"Unless..." I said and her head shot up.

"Do you want to move in with me?" I said and her eyes lit up. Her smile grew wider and she looked like the happiest girl.

"I do. I want to be with you all the time," she said and hugged me tightly. I hugged her back and we finished our ice cream.

We walked back to my apartment holding hands. She started swinging our hands cutely and I looked at her.

"What's up with you today? You're acting so cute," I said and she shrugged.

"I just can't wait to fall asleep next to you every day," she said and pecked my lips leaving me looking like a grinning mess.

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