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Kevin walked fast through the dark hall. The only sound was from his red and white All stars squeaking against the wet floor. Evey step he took with caution. Most of the lights were already shut off but their was a faint green glow eliminating from one of the many deserted classrooms he walked by. He was forced to stay after school to finish a science project but it had started to rain and their was really no point in him staying. The red head sighed and dropped his head. He hated staying after hours. Kevin knew the only kids who stayed this late after school where the jocks and bullies, which meant trouble if he ran into one. Hair dangled in front of his eyes and he quickly brushed it away. Kevin picked up his head at the sound of teens making their way towards him. They were around the corner and coming closer. "Oh crap!" Kevins eyes dilated as he frantically searched for an escape. Panic swept in as he raced to the metel door closest to him. It was open. Kevin darted into the room and looked around as he shut the door behind him. It was a locker room. Dread washed over Kevin as he realized what a horrible mistake he had made. Although he could run out before they reached the locker room they would still see him and run after him. And Kevin wasn't as fast as the whole swim team. The locker smelled like old socks and deodorant and the walls were covered in mystery stains. Kevin was about to gag when he heard it. The sound of the swim team right outside of the door. The redheads heart skipped a beat. Then he noticed a gray bathroom stall on his far right and raced towards it. He tried locking the door after him but it was no use. The lock was broken. The once dead silence was now a mixture of metel doors clanking together and guys hitting and talking to each other. Kevin hated this. The smell of sweat. The noise... Everything. But something caugh his eye. A glare of light blinded kevin through the crack between the door and wall. He peeked through the crack to see what it was and was taken back. Edd stood at his locker, a towel around his neck. Drops of water feel from his hair and were running down his back and over his tattoo. Kevin leaned closer to the door and examined Edds tattoo as the raven haired teen pulled out his phone. Now body pressed to the door, Kevin could make out a wolf with red eyes in a attack position. He was in awe at the simple beauty of the mark. "Wow..." Kevin mumbled to himself. "Hey whose the creep?!" Some teen yelled out before yanking the stall door open and causing Kevin to fall before him. "O-ow" large teenagers gathered around kev. "What the hell is this twirp doing?" One of them asked. "The little fag was peeping!" Another boy answered. "N-no i-" "We should teach him a lesson!!!" Kevin looked up in horror. All he could do now was take the beating. A large foot came towards Kevins face. He braced for unpacked. "Wait." A calm voice said, stopping the kick. "What?" "I'll take care of him. Kevin looked up at edd. He was calm and seemingly unaffected by the scenario in front of him. The boys around him where smiling. " okay Edd." Edd grunted as he picked up Kev by his collar and dragged him out of the locker room.
Kevin was pushed agents the hall way wall. "Greetings pumpkin." Edd smirked. "E-Eddward, I swear I didn't mean to hide there!" Kevin looked edd nervously in the eye as edd did the same. Their was a long pause. "I believe you." The red head sighed in relief. "But know this, I don't like you. I never did. And if I ever see you looking at me..." Edd leaned forward and spoke softly agents Kevins ear. "I will put you in the hospital." Edd glared at Kev and licked his lips. Kevin stood there, unable to move. He looked at the ground. "Can I-" Edd was cut off by Kevin throwing his bag on Edds foot and running down the hall. Edd cursed. He picked up the bag and ran after Kevin.

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