What happened

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The car ride home seemed to take forever. All kevin could think about was the way Edd looked at him. It was clawing at the back of his mind in such a way it almost hurt, and kev didn't even know why. Nazz had waved him goodbye and drove to her own house before dropping him off. Kevin felt sick. And all he wanted to do was sleep. On his front door was a note from his mom. Kevin read it and smiled. Edd pulled into his own house a couple hours later. Rose (Kevin's mom) had to stay at work because of an "emergency", which left kevin with nothing to do except watch t.v all night, which was totally great to him. As kevin flicked through channels, he glanced out the window to see if Edd was outside, But his house looked empty even though is car was parked in the drive way. After a few minutes of t.v surfing, kevin found a spider man movie and layed down. The sun was just starting to set. Sunshine shined through his window making him cover his eyes.
(Time skip to 7:00 pm)
The red head yawned and stretched. He was on the border line of sleep but still tryed to stay awake. Kevin grabbed the remote off his stomach and turned off the t.v. He decided to go upstairs and text Nazz or something before going to bed, but as he headed for the stairs a quick flash of car lights caught his attention. Kevin went up to the window and looked outside. A gray old rusty car had just pulled into Edds drive way. Kevin noticed the car had a busted tell light and a taped window. A tall man in his late 30's (Or so kevin guessed) stepped out of the car. It was too dark to see his face or hair but kevin could guess. The man walked up to the house and opened up the door. Or at least tryed. He got the door open an inch before something, or someone, rammed the door closed. The guy just stood there a second before kicking the door opened and going inside. Kevin wondered if he should call the cops or not. Their was silence coming from the house. Then a loud crash, as if glass was thrown. The yelling, then another crash before it grew slient again. Kevin shoke his head and ran upstairs. He didn't want to get involved. Instead he looked out his bed room window. He texted Nazz a couple times, telling her what had happened and by the end of him telling her what was going on she was about to call the cops herself. But kevin convinced her not to. After almost two hours kevin saw the man get into his car and leave. Then their was an ear piercing scream. Kevin knew it was Edd.
(At Edd's house)
Edd shuck uncontrollably. His whole body hurt. Glass and cooking pans where scattered all over the kitchen floor. Edd felt like the whole world had stopped. His panting was ragged and scratchy. "no no no no nO NO NO!" He ran to the bathroom and stopped in front of the mirror. Looking at himself was hard. Bruises covered his legs, neck and left eye while tears ran down his face. Edd let out a scream and punched the mirror. Glass stuck inside his fist and fell into the sink with a loud clatter. It was all to much for Edd. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and he collapsed onto the floor. His body fell into a deep sleep. Edd woke up Monday morning with a dull pain all over his body. He looked around the room as if questioning if he was really awake or not. (Next part will be disturbing to some) Shards of Glass where scattered all around his body. Blood dryed on his fists. The house was cold and quiet and Edd was more then glad about that. He stood up and walked to the shower. Warm water ran through his raven black hair and down his well toned chest. Swimming and fighting sure did one on his body And not only he noticed it. Girls stared at him as he walked by, Hell, even some guy's did. But Edd wasn't interested in them. He thought about kevin. A lot of the people he knew in middle school had changed. Nazz was this biggest move buff/dork in town, Eddy was a rich asshole and ed...well ed was the same as always and Edd had a weak spot for him. He was probably the only person on the whole planet he couldn't hurt. But kevin was the biggest change. He was smart, dorky and sweet now, While Edd was mean, hurtful and... Lonely. "What happened to me-" Edd was cut off by his own gasp as he felt the warm liquid spill out of him and slowly run down his leg. He quickly washed the cum away and and got out. He felt like shoving someone into a brick wall, but calmed himself. Edd dryed his hair and got dressed. He would pick up the glass later when he got home from school. Before heading out, he grabbed his hat and an apple. In the car he took a bite and put his backpack over one shoulder before driving off too school.

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