tell me

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A bright light stung Edd in the eyes as the flash of a camera sounded throughout the school hallway. He let out a growl of utter annoyance and looked up at the prick in front of him. Ed was no doubt hear to fucking pester him once again.

" Hey, sock head. Long time no see, eh?" Ed said with a smug look plastered on his face. He held a expensive looking camera to his chest which Edd took note of. " Not the time Eddy. I'm busy." Edd said while trying to walk past him. Eddy stayed put but watched Eddwith shit eating grin plastered on his face. Edd walked down the hall. he felt anger dig into him but was too tired to fight today, or any day for that matter. He knew he was depressed but this was too much. He felt as if one more drop of water hit him his glass would tip over and spill. Edd sat at the back of the room in his 2nd period class. Kevin walked in with Nazz a few minutes later. With one look the red head got to his feet and walked over to Edd with a look of shock as he noticed his black eye. "What happened to you? You look horrible." Kevin said as he quickly walked over to Edd. The raven haired boy eyes widened. "Excuse my language but why do you give a shit?" Keven looked hurt but brushed it off as Edd just being himself. "Look, I know I dont know much about you or even your middle name but I want to be your friend! Is that so hard to believe? Now please tell me what happened!!!" The red head almost yelled. Edd lowered his head and stood up, grabbing kevens hand, he dragged his out of the classroom.

In the hallway the two boys remained silent. It was awkward but in a way it almost feel nice... that was until Keven spoke up. "I heard screaming coming from your house last night... actually i heard lots of things." Keven shyly held on to his arm as he looked at the taller male in front of him. " Tell me pumpkin, how would you react if I told you..." Edd trailed off but keven pushed him. "Tell me what?" "Come to my house tonight. Alone." And With this Edd was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2016 ⏰

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