[Chapter 5] Baby Wails & Dinosaur Tails

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[You're coming out of the cabin as a skull comes out of nowhere and scares you, you jolt back and almost fall to the ground but catch yourself. You hear giggling and look up to see Scary Girl holding the skull from last challenge laughing to herself as you just sigh.]

(Y/N): "I just woke up and you're already trying to give me a heart attack huh?"

Scary Girl: "Maybe~ I just like keeping you on your toes!"

[She steps off the side and lets you out, you see Zee leaning against the handrail drinking his usual soda.]

Zee: "Hey! Sup man!"

(Y/N): "Morning Zee."

[He finishes his can and stuffs it into his pocket, where he pulls out another one and cracks it open.]

Damien: "You know you could get some severe cavities from drinking all that soda Zee."

[The three of you turn and see Damien standing there. He spots Scary Girl where she gives him a creepy look as he jolts back a bit.]

Zee: "Cavities?"

Damien: "It means you'll start losing your teeth.."

[Zee looks at Damien with worry.]

Zee: "Will I be able to find them again!?"

[Damien just sighs as you shake your head.]

Damien: "You'd have to get false teeth or dentures."

Scary Girl: "Yeah! Like what smelly old people like Chef wear!"

Zee: "Oh no! I don't wanna be like Chef!"

[He looks at the can and tosses it over his shoulder.]

*Scene Change*

[Chef can be seen against the side of the cabin, his eyes welling up as he runs off crying.]

*Scene Change*

Zee: "No more soda for me man..."

[He pulls out another can of soda.]

Damien: "What did you just say!?"

Zee: "Nah man, this isn't soda, it's pop."

[You and Scary Girl look at each other and shrug as Damien just facepalms.]

Damien: "They're the same thing!"

Zee: "No they're not, one's called pop the other's called soda."

Damien: "*Sigh* Whatever. Hey, any of you three want a pin, I made plenty!"

[The three of you turn as Damien goes through a box and pulls out a pin, it's a got a blue outline with a large white circle in the center, Damien's face being in the middle of that and a giant circle with a diagonal cross going through it.]

(Y/N): "What are these for?"

Damien: "I'm campaigning!"

*Confessional Booth*

Damien: "I've had enough! So I'm running a 'Vote Damien Off The Island Campaign, I'd rather leave by drone today, than in a box tomorrow. I made buttons."


Scary Girl: "For what?"

Damien: "Being eliminated! I've had it being here, this place is a letteral death trap!"

Scary Girl: "But that's the fun of it!~

Scary Girl X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now