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Augustus pov

He picked up little Lilah from the mud, her little legs wiggling in the air. "You don't listen, do you, little one?" Augustus said calmly, though internally he was concerned.

It was not a surprise to find her in that state. She liked mud more than chocolate.

"Now stand here like a good girl while I set the water temperature." She sulked but complied, standing straight with her arms folded and a cute pout on her face.

When he felt the water temperature was just right, he picked her up and placed her in the bathtub filled with warm water. She splashed the water with her tiny hands, some of it getting on Augustus, but he calmly washed her hair.

"Did you eat some of it too?" he asked, and she shook her head. "You know what happens to liars, Lilah?" He gave her a smile, and she nodded her head in agreement.

"My pants are precious, August," she said. "You can get sick, Lilah. Next time I see you playing in the mud, I'm going to ban you from playing outside. No bedtime story, no—"

"Okay, okay, August, I won't do it," she grabbed his clothes, giving him puppy eyes.


He pulled out his pinky finger. "Promise."

"Now wait here while I call a maid to change your clothes. No running around, little lady."


"Oh, my dear Lilah woke up. Come here, darling, I made you some biscuits," Grandma said.
"Biscuits!" Lilah shouted and rushed to hug Grandma.

"I love biscuits." She kissed Grandma's cheek and took a chocolate biscuit. Augustus sighed and took a seat in the chair while placing Lilah beside him.

"I heard my little Lilah was playing in the mud. Was it fun, honey?" she asked, plating some cookies for Augustus.

"Ma, it is not healthy to play in the mud. She may get sick, so do not encourage her to do so," Augustus said calmly.

"Well, my bad, honey. You heard your uncle, dear. He also used to play in the mud, and look at him now. He is still alive, isn't he, honey?" she smiled.

"Ma!" Augustus exclaimed, sighing in defeat. He could hear the little devil giggling.

"But we also need to keep our hygiene in mind, Lilah. So no playing in the mud and definitely not eating it. We will go see a doctor today." Lilah pouted and nodded her head.

"My good girl," Grandma patted her head. Augustus checked his phone for any messages and found one.


Aria: Have a great day, Augustus.

Augustus: Apologies for the late reply. I was working and could not respond. My day has been rather uneventful until now.

Aria: Oh my! Did I jinx it? Am I the problem?

Augustus: No, no, no, it is not that. You misunderstood me.

Aria: Then what happened?

Augustus: I was working when I saw my niece playing in the mud through the window. I believe she even consumed some of it.

Aria: Cute, but is she okay? I don't think she'll like the taste much. Lol.

Augustus: Believe me, she enjoys the mud more than chocolate.

Aria: Damn, keep the mud away. She may fall sick.

Augustus: Well, I do hope not, but I will take note of that.

Aria: Fun fact, I remember watching this show, a cartoon, where little Krishna, one of the gods in Hindu religion, ate mud and showed the universe in his mouth. It was quite popular.

Augustus: Is that so? New knowledge then.

Aria: He also likes butter, only butter.

Augustus: I am quite fond of butter myself. I eat it frequently, mostly with bread and seafood.

Aria: I can't relate, but my little brother loves to eat butter. He used to steal butter when he was like three years old. I think he still does; he just knows how to hide it now.

Augustus: He has become more intelligent and crafty as well.

Aria: Nah, he is a 14-year-old teen, but his brain is still as small as a pea. A total nutcase. Calling him a dog would be an insult to doggies.

Augustus: I see, you love your brother dearly.

Aria: Indeed I do, but that's a secret he doesn't need to know.

Augustus: Adorable.


Charles, the son of our butler James and Grandma's right-hand man—or we could say spy—was attempting to sneak some biscuits away but received a slap on his hand instead.

"Patience, Charles. The more you wait, the sweeter it is. Isn't it, Augustus, honey?" she said, looking up to see Augustus busy on his phone. Augustus, busy on his phone—that's like a miracle. He never uses his phone for more than an hour and definitely not when he is with family. "Charles, am I hallucinating because of old age, or is Augustus really using his phone?" Grandma whispered.

"Because he is using his phone," Charles whispered back. "And if we look closely at the corner of his lips, we can notice a little tiny tug of a smile, and Augustus doesn't smile," Charles whispered in disbelief.

"You know what to do, right?" Grandma said with a mischievous smile, and Charles nodded his head, giving an okay sign. It's spy time.

A shiver ran down his spine, but Augustus shrugged it off. Little did he know the evil plans of his Grandma and her partner in crime, Charles.

It won't hurt your hand to click on the star, so please do vote because I have very high expectations on this novel. Hopefully I will reach my goal someday, it will be possible if you just give me some love. Please.

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