Chapter 1: The Misplaced List

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"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." - Jeremiah 29:11

"Could I make these wishes come true?" she pondered, feeling a stirring in her heart—a sense of responsibility or perhaps a divine nudge urging her to act. But how could she, already stretched thin with work commitments, orchestrate a Christmas miracle?

Yet, as she traced her finger over the words, a warmth spread through her. She whispered a silent prayer, seeking guidance and strength. "Lord, help me find a way to make these wishes a reality."

The verse from Jeremiah echoed in her mind. Plans for welfare, not evil. A future and a hope. Was this list, discovered almost by chance, part of a bigger plan?

Determined to unravel the mystery behind the list and driven by a newfound purpose, Sarah decided to take on the challenge. She would find a way to fulfill these wishes, even if it meant seeking help or sacrificing her own comforts.

As she carefully folded the list and tucked it into her pocket, a sense of anticipation and purpose filled her. Little did she know that this simple discovery would lead her on a transformative journey, one that would not only impact the child's Christmas but also her own life in ways she couldn't yet imagine.

The misplaced list had become a beacon of hope, setting in motion a chain of events that would bring unexpected joy and blessings into Sarah's world.

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