Chapter 3: Unexpected Encounters

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"Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares." - Hebrews 13:2

As Sarah delved deeper into her mission, an unexpected encounter awaited her. Amidst the hustle and bustle of her daily routine, a serendipitous meeting occurred.

One crisp afternoon, while rushing to secure donations for the wish list, Sarah found herself standing in line at a local coffee shop. Lost in thought, she didn't notice the person behind her until a gentle voice interrupted her reverie.

"Excuse me, I think you dropped this."

Turning, Sarah saw a man holding a paper that had slipped from her overstuffed folder. Their eyes met briefly, and in that moment, something unspoken passed between them—a glimmer of understanding or recognition.

"Thank you," Sarah said, reaching for the paper.

"I couldn't help but notice your determination," the man remarked with a warm smile.

Sarah, surprised by his observation, found herself sharing the story behind the crumpled wish list—the desires of a child and her commitment to making them a reality.

To her astonishment, the man, whose name was Michael, didn't just listen but offered his assistance without hesitation. His genuine willingness to help, coupled with a sense of compassion that radiated from him, struck a chord within Sarah.

They sat together, discussing ideas and strategies to fulfill the wishes. Michael's generosity and creative suggestions complemented Sarah's plans perfectly. It was as if their meeting was more than just chance—it felt like a divinely orchestrated connection.

As they parted ways, Sarah couldn't shake off the feeling that this encounter was significant. The verse from Hebrews echoed in her mind—do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. Could Michael be an unexpected answer to her prayers?

Throughout the following days, Sarah found herself reaching out to Michael for advice and assistance. Their partnership blossomed into a friendship grounded in their shared goal—to bring joy to the child and, in doing so, to each other.

In Michael, Sarah found a kindred spirit—a person whose altruism mirrored her own, someone who shared her passion for making a difference. Each interaction with him brought a renewed sense of hope and purpose, reinforcing her belief that this endeavor was more than just fulfilling a wish list—it was about forging connections and touching lives in unexpected ways.

As Sarah reflected on their encounters, she couldn't help but marvel at the mysterious ways in which paths crossed and hearts intertwined, feeling grateful for the divine guidance that seemed to be leading her toward something greater than she had ever imagined.

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