Chapter 2: Determined Heart

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"Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established." - Proverbs 16:3

Sarah's days became a blur of meetings, deadlines, and event preparations. The misplaced wish list lingered in her thoughts, a constant reminder of a mission she had willingly undertaken amidst her chaotic schedule.

Late nights found her poring over the list, making plans, and brainstorming ways to fulfill each wish. It seemed like an impossible task—balancing her professional responsibilities with the earnest desires of a child.

Yet, there was a fire within her—a resolve that refused to waver. It wasn't just about completing a task; it had become a personal commitment, a promise to bring joy to this unknown child.

During quiet moments, she found solace in prayer. Seeking guidance and strength, she poured out her concerns and hopes before God. "Lord, help me navigate through this. Show me the way to bring happiness to this child and their family."

The verse from Proverbs whispered in her heart—commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established. She held onto these words like an anchor in the storm of her busy life.

In her pursuit, Sarah encountered obstacles—budget constraints, time limitations, and logistical challenges that threatened to dampen her resolve. Doubts crept in, whispering that perhaps this was too ambitious, too unrealistic.

But every time she felt overwhelmed, a sense of purpose flooded her soul. She remembered the innocent wishes on that crumpled piece of paper—the hope reflected in each word—and it fueled her determination.

She sought advice from friends and colleagues, sharing the story behind the list. Surprisingly, their response was overwhelmingly supportive. Offers of help, donations, and creative ideas poured in, igniting a spark of hope within Sarah.

As she juggled her responsibilities, she carved out moments to work on fulfilling the wishes. Whether it was contacting toy stores, organizing donation drives, or planning surprise visits, each step brought her closer to her goal.

In the quiet of the night, with the list spread before her once again, Sarah felt a sense of peace settling over her. She had committed herself to this cause, aligning her efforts with faith and trusting that, somehow, things would fall into place.

The journey ahead seemed daunting, but Sarah's heart was resolute. Little did she know that her determination would not only impact the child but also lead her to unexpected encounters and revelations along the way.

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