wowie the izva + noco date happens!!!!!!!

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a/n btw if you ever see any mistakes in ANY chapter, plz point them out lol


Izzy: the double dates today :33

Noah: Woo.

Eva: i'm a bit excited, not gonna lie.

Noah: Can't you side with me just this once?

Izzy: noooo :c

Eva: sorry, noah.

Izzy: >:3

Izzy: i'm adding cody just for a bit

Noah: Okay.

Izzy has added Cody to the groupchat

Noah: Welcome to Hell.


Cody: HI GUYS :3

Eva: hello.

Cody: i'm so excited ahsjxjdhsjdj

Izzy: SAMEEE!!!!!!

Noah: How. How can either of you be excited.

Cody: *How? How can either of you be excited?

Noah: Kys.

Izzy: NOAH!!!!

Izzy: you can't be speaking to your bf like that

Noah: Stfu.

Cody: i can't believe you'd say something like that to me💔💔

Cody: currently crying

Cody: not sure i'll ever recover

Noah: Does that mean you're not going on the "date"?

Cody: lol no

Noah: ...

Cody: :3

Cody's POV

I'M SO EXCITED FOR THIS!!!! I feel like keyboard smashing but in my brain. Im so excited for Hang out? I honestly have no clue what to call it. Noah made it clear it wasn't a date (at least for us), but Izzy keeps calling it a double date. I don't care if it's a date or not. I'm just excited to be handing out with Noah and the others.

I may have dressed a bit nicer than usual, but still casual. Date or not, I'm making sure I look nice. And no, not for Noah.


Cody: are we meeting up at the cafe or is someone picking everyone up

Noah: These assholes are forcing me to drive so we're on our way to your house right now.

Eva: :3

Cody: um???

Cody: eva uses :3 ????????

Izzy: nope :3

Cody: ah i see

Noah: Can you all actually just shut up?

Cody: no texting while driving

Noah: That's why I need all of you to shut up.

Cody's POV (again)

I sat in my living room, my leg bouncing up and down against the couch I sat on as I waited for Noah, Izzy, and Eva to get here.

Eventually, I heard a doorbell sound and rushed to the door. I opened it up, and a bit so amused Noah stared at me. I looked behind him and saw Izzy halfway out the passenger window, waving at me. I waved back before hearing Izzy shout, "HURRY UP GAYS!"

the most original idea ever: TOTAL DRAMA GROUPCHAT!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang