Chapter 9

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After sleeping in the crowded barracks for the last two months, it's weird to have my own room. I'll never take the luxury of privacy for granted again.

As I close my door behind me, stepping into the hallway, I see Violet limp out of hers. I give her a small smile when she meets my eyes.

The room next to mine, Rhiannon's, opens and me and Violet watch as Sawyer's tall, lean frame comes out. He runs his fingers through his messy ginger curls. He looks up, his blue eyes spotting Violet and me, and freezes as his cheeks turn almost as red as his freckles.

I wiggle my eyebrows, and he turns even redder if that's possible.

"Good morning." Violet says with a grin.

"Violet. Kira." He forces an awkward smile and walks off, headed toward the main hallway of the first year dormitory.

I look between Violet and the ginger, suggestively.

She waves me off. "Go ahead. Me and Rhi will meet you at breakfast."

I take the excuse and run to catch up to Sawyer and his long strides. "Sawyer." I sing-song as I catch up to him, staring at his side profile.

"Shut up." He grumbles as he speeds up.

"Wait! I promise I won't say anything. But was it good?" The reddening of his face says it all and I burst out laughing. "Oh! It was! Wasn't it?"

He shoves me playfully. "You can't say anything, you little Gremlin. I saw you sneaking away on the flight field yesterday with-"

I slap my hand over his mouth, surveying the area. "You can't just go around saying stuff like that. What if someone hears you? And in my defense, I didn't see who it was they just so happened to be Xaden's best friend." I whisper yell.

He has the nerve to fucking smirk at me. "Well? Was it at least good?"

I snack him in the back of the head. "Yeah." I mutter, bashfully.

Sawyer must have heard because he lets out a bulbous laugh.

"I swear to the gods, Sawyer. If you tell anyone, I'll excavate you of your manly parts." I hiss.

"Watch it with the goods. How else will I get you to the moon and back?"


He wiggles his eyebrows in a suggestive  manner. "It doesn't matter anyway. Half the quadrant saw you suck his face off. I swear Xaden was on the verge of chopping you-know-who's head off."

"Xaden saw?" I squeal in a very unladylike fashion, covering my face with my hands as though it will word off the embarrassment staining my cheeks.

"Oh, yeah he did." Sawyer says with a teasing grin.

"He did what?" Ridoc's voice sounds before he drapes his arms over me and Sawyer's shoulders. "And who is he?"

"Xaden." Sawyer answers, grinning down at me. "This little Gremlin, here, was messing around last night and Xaden had a front row seat to his best friend and lover getting it on."

"Oh, yeah. Garrick right?" Ridoc asks, rubbing his chin.

"Don't say his name!" I whisper shout. "It's already bad enough that Xaden knows, I don't need the entire quadrant knowing I fucked his best friend."

We meet up with Violet and Rhiannon in the gathering hall and make our way through the breakfast line. Ridoc rushes up to Vi and Rhi as I follow close behind, not knowing what could come spewing out of his mouth.

"Good morning ladies." Ridoc says as he throws his arms over their shoulders as I shift into a walk beside Rhiannon. "Or should I say riders?"

"I like the sound of riders." Rhiannon replies, shooting a smile in his direction.

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